**Version: 2.0 **Release Date: **Languages: - Matlab - SQL (optional) **Dependencies: - Matlab R2020B or newer - Image Processing Toolbox - **Contributors: - Aaron Ward
- Type
in Matlab command window - Load VIPR data via
Load Data
- Perform background phase correction
- Perform feature extraction via
Feature Extraction
- Select vessels via
Select Vessel and Segment
- View segmented vessels and corresponding vessel parameter plots
- Save necessary data via
Save Data
Centerline Tool is a Matlab-based GUI to analyze phase contrast vastly-undersampled projection reconstruction (PC VIPR) MRI data, specifically of the brain. Depending on the velocity encoding (VENC) used during the MRI acquisition, various cerebral vessels will be available for analysis.
Please see "Dependencies" for necessary software. Hardware: - Processor: - RAM: Minimum 8 GB - Video card:
Each PC VIPR scan data must already be reconstructed into the desired number of frames and each scan stored in its own directory. Centerline Tool does not perform the necessary reconstruction.
Matlab app designer application Main GUI for loading data, performing preprocessing, and calling most other GUIs
Properties public -
: - main object for containing all of the necessary data related to the analysis. - Created by theloadVIPR
class. private -phase_correction_app
: - property to contain thebackground_phase_correction_app.mlapp
object. -vessel_3D_app
: - property to contain theVessel3D_gui.mlapp
object. -vasculature_patch
: - image patch object for displaying vasculature
Functions public -
: 1. view 3D vasculature after background phase correction -end_vessel_selection(app, vessel_struct)
: 1. calculate selected vessel parameters 2. place in structure 3. callVessel3D_gui.mlapp
Callbacks -
- runs at app creation. 1. centers window.
- `LoadDataButtonPushed(app, event)`
- callback for "Load Data" button.
1. deletes any instantiated *vipr_obj*
2. calls `loadVIPR` class to create new instance of *vipr_obj*.
3. calls `BackgroundPhaseCorrectionButtonPushed` callback.
- `DBConnectionButtonPushed(app, event)`
*currently not programmed*
- callback for "DB Connection" button.
1. establish connection with MS SQL server and database.
- `ReorientButtonPushed(app, event)`
- callback for "Reorient" button.
1. reorients 3D vasculature in radiological coronal view
- `BackgroundPhaseCorrectionButtonPushed(app, event)`
- callback for "Background Phase Correction" button.
1. calls `background_phase_correction_gui.mlapp` to perform background phase correction
- object is stored in *app.phase_correction_app* property
- `DrawROIButtonPushed(app, event)`
*current not programmed*
- callback for "Draw ROI" button.
1. draw ROI
- `ViewParametricMapButtonPushed(app, event)`
*currently not programmed*
- callback for "View Parametric Map" button.
- `FeatureExtractionButtonPushed(app, event)`
- callback for "Feature Extraction" button
1. calls `feature_extraction.m`
- outputs stored in *app.branchMat* and *app.branchList*
- `SelectVesselandSegmentButtonPushed(app, event)`
-callback for "Select Vessel and Segment" button
1. calls `SelectVessel` class to perform vessel selection and subsequent segmentation and visualization
- object not stored in app property
- `UIFigureCloseRequest(app, event)`
- callback for window closing
1. delete any children windows
2. delete self
Matlab app designer application GUI for performing background phase correction
Properties private -
- default = 0.5 -vmax
- default = 0.1 -cd_thresh
- default = 0.15 -noise_thresh
- default = 0.15 -fit_order
- default = 2 -apply_correction
- default = 1 -img1_obj
Functions private -
Callbacks -
-image_sliderValueChanged(app, event)
-image_spinnerValueChanged(app, event)
-vmax_sliderValueChanged(app, event)
-vmax_spinnerValueChanged(app, event)
-cd_sliderValueChanged(app, event)
-cd_spinnerValueChanged(app, event)
-noise_sliderValueChanged(app, event)
-noise_spinnerValueChanged(app, event)
-reset_fit_buttonButtonPushed(app, event)
-update_buttonButtonPushed(app, event)
-done_buttonButtonPushed(app, event)
-UIFigureCloseRequest(app, event)
Matlab app designer application GUI for visualization of selected vessels
Properties public -
- `parameter_plot_app`
- `full_vasculature_patch`
- `vessel_patch`
- `ITPlane`
- `plane`
- `tb`
Functions public -
-update_spinners(app, value)
- `init_axes(app)`
- `init_window(app)`
- `plot_full_vasculature(app)`
- `plot_vessel(app)`
- `add_voxel_labels(app)`
Callbacks -
startupFcn(app, centerline_app)
-WindowSpinnerValueChanged(app, event)
-LowerVoxelSpinnerValueChanged(app, event)
-IsolateVesselSegmentSwitchValueChanged(app, event)
-ReorientButtonPushed(app, event)
-VesselDropDownValueChanged(app, event)
-vessel3DCloseRequest(app, event)
Matlab app designer application GUI for visualization of selected vessel parameter plots (e.g. area, flow, etc.) and saving of data
class creates main vipr_obj that will contain all necessary data regarding the current data set being analyzed
Properties public -
- source directory of data -fov
- field of view -MAG
- MAG data -nframes
- number of reconstructed frames -res
- spatial (?) resolution -time_res
- time resolution -velocity
- velocity array -vMean
- mean velocity array -venc
- velocity encoding
Methods private -
- open folder selection UI to select desired folder -read_header(self)
- read vipr header file - returns data_array cell array -parseArray(self, data_array)
- parse data_array and set select properties -loadVelocity(self)
- load velocity data within .dat files -loadMAG(self)
- load MAG data -loadvMean(self)
- load mean velocity data -loadDat(self, fname)
- read .dat file, reshape array, and cast as single data type -delete(self)
- delete object if error is encountered