Internet retail, also known as e-commerce, is the largest sector of the electronics industry, having generated an estimated US$29 trillion in 2017 (Source: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development). E-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce provide a suite of services to businesses of all sizes. Due to the prevalence of these platforms, developers should understand the fundamental architecture of e-commerce sites.
This E-Commerce Backend uses a REST API for an internet retail website. The API is built onto an Express.js server that uses Sequelize to interact with a MySQL database. Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM(Object Relation Mapping).
The necessary dependencies to install are:
- mysql2
- sequelize
- dotenv
- express
To finish the application set-up, complete the following steps:
- Create a MySQL database on your local machine using the schema.sql file located in the /db/ directory (From the MySQL CLI, source db/schema.sql)
- Seed the database with sample data to be used for testing purposes(run 'npm run seed' from inside the root directory of the project.)
Now you're ready to start the application! You can start the server by running:
npm start
Now that the server is running, you can make requests to it through your desired method.
See demo:
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
This project was developed by Amber Wilson.
If you have any questions about the repo, contact me at You can find more of my work at awil414.