Please note: This is an older version of the AWS IoT Device Management workshop.
You can find an updated version at
AWS IoT Device Management makes it easy to securely onboard, organize, monitor, and remotely manage IoT devices at scale. With this workshop your will learn hands-on the features from AWS IoT Device Management like several onboarding options, jobs, fleet indexing, thing groups and fine grained logging.
- Workshop instructions.
- bin, job-agent, lambda: Directories containing scripts that are copied onto an Amazon EC2 instance
- cfn: Directory for CloudFormation template
- dm-ws.tar: tar file that is used to bootstrap an EC2 instance
- Shell script to create dm-ws.tar. In case you change something use this script to create a new tar file
- templateBody.json: template for IoT provisioning options
This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.