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Source code for a Media Intelligence Video Analysis solution that can identify specific elements in video content. This layer is the basis for identifying and indexing video analysis elements that in the future can be used for finding specific scenes based on a set of rules.


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Media Intelligence Analysis in AWS

Source code for a Media Intelligence Video Analysis solution that can identify specific elements in video content. This layer is the basis for identifying and indexing video analysis elements that in the future can be used for finding specific scenes based on a set of rules.

As possible ad-ons, customers can use this basis layer for:

  • Ads Slots identification and insertion as in Smart Ad Breaks.
  • Digital Product Placement for branding solutions.
  • Media content moderation.
  • Media content classification.

License Summary

The documentation is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. See the LICENSE file.

The sample code within this documentation is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE-SAMPLECODE file.

⚠️ NOTE: All packages related to ElasticSearch must be updated to use Amazon OpenSearch Service. You can do it by following these instructions.

Repository Description

This repository defines the resources and instructions to deploy a CloudFormation Stack on an AWS Account.

The stack will deploy the following architecture:


CloudFormation Template Description

The application deploys a REST API with the following endpoints:

  • analysis/start: Starts a video analysis with the specified parameters
  • analysis/search: Searches for a video that maches a set of filters
  • analysis: Retrieves the raw analysis results from DynamoDB.

The workflow for a video analysis goes as follows:

  1. The user uploads a video to a pre-determined S3 Bucket
  2. The user calls the /analysis/start endpoint, starting the analysis workflow
  3. Multiple analysis are performed. The results are saved onto DynamoDB and ElasticSearch
  4. The user searches for a video using one of the provided filters
  5. The user retrieves all the information about an specific video using DynamoDB.

1. Installation

Follow these steps in the order to test this application on your AWS Account:


Please install the following applications on your computer if you haven't already:

2. Creating Amazon S3 Bucket(s)

For this prototype we assume that you have two S3 Buckets already created. Troughout this guide we will consider the following:

  1. INPUT_BUCKET will hold the video files that will be analysed by the workflow.
  2. OUTPUT_BUCKET will receive the files exported by the MediaConvert service.

Please follow the steps in this link and create two S3 bucket if you don't have it already.

3. Creating a Face Collection on Rekognition [Optional]

In order to use the Celebrity Recognition Model, you will need to create a Face Collection on Rekognition and then index some faces to it.

You can create the folder /faces and generate a list of a few celebrities split by name. You can use it as a starter and follow the instructions on this link to index them to your face collection. Feel free to use the INPUT_BUCKET you've created before to upload the face images.

Please take note of your face collection Id. We will use it in a next step.

4. Training a Custom Labels Model on Rekognition [Optional]

In order for the brand detection algorithm to work, you will need to train a model using Rekognition Custom Labels. To do so, please follow the following steps:

  1. Create a Project
  2. Create a folder with some brand logos in /brands/samples and then upload them to the INPUT_BUCKET.
  3. Create a dataset using the files you uploaded to S3. Inside the /brands you will find a file called output.manifest.mainfest`. Open that file and replace <S3_BUCKET> with the id of the INPUT_BUCKET you used on the previous step.
  4. Train your model (This step might take a few minutes to complete.)
  5. Start your model

Adding steps 3&4

If you are willing to implement the celebrity detection analysis as well as the brand from logo analysis you need to create their lambda folders inside the /analysis folder and create their main source code, you can use as a basis:

[Note] You will need to add these elements in the CloudFormation Template:

  • AWS Lambda Function element
  • AWS Lambda permissions for each analysis
  • Amazon SNS topic subscription for each analysis

5. Configure & Deploy CloudFormation stack

For this step we will need to use a terminal. Please navigate to this folder and run the following commands:

sam build --use-container 
sam deploy --guided

This command will prompt you with a set of parameters, please fill them according to your setup:

Parameter Description Example
Email E-mail to be notified when an analysis completes
S3Bucket The name of the bucket you created previously INPUT_BUCKET
DestinationBucket The name of the second bucket you created previously OUTPUT_BUCKET
ESDomainName A unique domain name for the ElasticSearch cluster my-unique-es-cluster
CognitoDomainName A unique domain name for the Cognito User Pool my-unique-cog-cluster
DynamoDBTable A name for the Dynamodb table aprendiendoaws-ml-mi-jobs
CelebrityCollectionID The Id for the face collection you've created previously bra-celebs
StageName A name for the stage that will be deployed on API Gateway Prod
OSCDictionary KEEP DEFAULT osc_files/dictionary.json
ModelVersionArn The arn of the Rekognition Custom Labels solution you've created previously arn:aws:rekognition:us-east-1:123456789:project/my-project/verion/my-project

After filling the values accordingly, use the default configurations until the template starts deploying.

You can visit the CloudFormation tab in the AWS Console to verify the resources created. To do so, click on the aprendiendoaws-ml-mi stack and select the Resources tab.

API Testing


Before testing the API be sure you have uploaded a video in the Amazon S3 Input Bucket you defined in the CloudFormation parameters. You can use one of the videos provided in the /showcase/examples folder to perform the testing. To do so, upload the desired video to recently created bucket and call /start to start the workflow. You can use the following snippet as an example:

Start Video Analysis

Once you have uploaded a video to your Amazon S3 Input Bucket, you must send an HTTPS request to your API with the following body in JSON format:

// #POST /analysis/start
  "S3Key": "GranTourTheTick.mp4",    // Your video file name
  "SampleRate": 1,              // The desired sample rate
  "analysis": [                 // The desired analysis

Get Video Analysis Results If successfull, you will receive a response containing the Media Convert Job Id and status. Now you can use the /analysis endpoint to retrieve the current analysis for that particular job:

// POST /analysis
  "S3Key": "GranTourTheTick.mp4",   // Your video file name
  "JobId": "MyJobId",          // The MediaConvert JobId from the previous step
  "analysis": "bfl"            // [OPTIONAL] Which analysis to retrieve results

Search Specific Elements in Video Analysis Results Finally, you can search your analysis results using the /analysis/search endpoint:

// POST /analysis/search
  "must":  {                 // [OPTIONAL] Choose what aspects you want in the video
    "scenes": [               // [OPTIONAL] Retrieve videos that these scenes
        "scene": "Sports",
        "accuracy": 50.0
  "avoid": {
    "sentiments":[                  // [OPTIONAL] Chose the aspects that  
        {                         // you want to avoid in the video
          "sentiment": "sadness",
          "accuracy": 89.0
  "S3Key": "GranTourTheTick.mp4", // [OPTIONAL] Choose a video search the results
  "SampleRate": 1            // [OPTIONAL] Choose a sample rate to search the results

Development Team

This prototype developed by the AWS Envision Engineering Team. For questions, comments, or concerns please reach out to:

Content Security Legal Disclaimer

The sample code; software libraries; command line tools; proofs of concept; templates; or other related technology (including any of the foregoing that are provided by our personnel) is provided to you as AWS Content under the AWS Customer Agreement, or the relevant written agreement between you and AWS (whichever applies). You should not use this AWS Content in your production accounts, or on production or other critical data. You are responsible for testing, securing, and optimizing the AWS Content, such as sample code, as appropriate for production grade use based on your specific quality control practices and standards. Deploying AWS Content may incur AWS charges for creating or using AWS chargeable resources, such as running Amazon EC2 instances or using Amazon S3 storage.

Operational Metrics Collection

This solution collects anonymous operational metrics to help AWS improve the quality and features of the solution. Data collection is subject to the AWS Privacy Policy ( To opt out of this feature, simply remove the tag(s) starting with “uksb-” or “SO” from the description(s) in any CloudFormation templates or CDK TemplateOptions.


Source code for a Media Intelligence Video Analysis solution that can identify specific elements in video content. This layer is the basis for identifying and indexing video analysis elements that in the future can be used for finding specific scenes based on a set of rules.




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