scrapes the eztv website for torrent links
This Software is an attempt at making a torrent scraper for TV-Shows from EZTV. It searches for requested Show seasons and episodes and responds by listing a list of available magnet links that can be used to download the requested show episode.
NOTE: Currently works but only on Windows.
You can get the requirements from here but here is a list of the packages
- urllib
- BeautifulSoup
- ast
- operator
- PyQt5
- requests-html
If you are on windows, you can simply download and extract the Bundled Rar file and look for the executable file within the extracted file.
If you are on linux, you can help me finish up making the software plartform-indipendent and send pull requests. For now you will have to wait till I finish it ;)
You can download the latest release and extract the archive file. you can then follow the instructions on that page to run the program.
Bellow shows a screenshot of the application.
An Image showing the program shearch results:
In the future I want to:
Make the program plartform-indipendent (Work on any plartform, ie:Windows, Linux, OS-X)
The program should be able to scrape Movies instead of Tv-Shows only
The user should be able to chose the websites the crawler visits to scrape for the torrents. From websites such as:
- 1337x
- Demonoid
- ExtraTorrent
- isoHunt
- KickassTorrents
- Nyaa Torrents
- Tamil Rockers
- The Pirate Bay
Ability to scrape for and download subtitles
- Sub Scene
- YTS Subs
Ability to get the titles from a rest API (set-up using django-rest-api)