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Backup Firestore to a Cloud Storage bucket

Install the Firestore Backup Extension

About Firestore Backup Extension

This extension backs up your Firestore collections to a Cloud Storage bucket. If you're a Firestore user, you know that it is important to regularly do backups, but unfortunately Firestore doesn't have an automated backups system - unlike Realtime DB. You typically need to either manually do the backup to Cloud Storage or use the Google APIs to automate the process.

This extension makes the setup easy and allows you to choose the frequency of backups and which collections to backup. Note: more frequent backups could incur greater Cloud Function and Cloud Storage costs.

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Create a new Cloud Storage bucket for backups

Skip to Secure your bucket if you already have created a bucket.

  • Create a Cloud Storage bucket for backups. In the Firebase console, go to Storage. Click the three vertical dots -> Add Bucket.
  • Choose a bucket name and create.

{% hint style="info" %} Quick Cost Savings Tip: If you plan to rarely access these backups, create your bucket with the "Frequency" set to "Rare". This will reduce your storage costs, but increase your access costs. {% endhint %}

Choose "Rare" to save storage costs

Secure your bucket

  • You want to be sure to secure your Cloud Storage bucket. In the Firebase console, go to Storage -> your backup bucket -> rules. Delete the current rule and copy and paste this new one.
rules_version = '2';
service {
  match /b/{bucket}/o {
    match /{allPaths=**} {
      allow read, write: if false
  • Click Publish to complete.

Copy the bucket name

  • In the Storage section of the Firebase console, select your bucket. Copy the bucket name that begins with gs:// by clicking the link icon 🔗. This will be used during installation. Note, when you enter the name below you'll need to remove the gs://

Install the extension

1. Open a command prompt and clone the extension GitHub repository by running:

git clone

2. Go into the extension directory:

cd firerun-ext

{% hint style="success" %} Ensure that the firebase-tools module is installed locally. At a command prompt, type the following to verify:

firebase --version

If you don't have it installed or need to upgrade the version run:

npm install -g firebase-tools

{% endhint %}

3. Run the command:

firebase --open-sesame extdev

4. Run the extension install:

firebase ext:install . --project=[projectId]

Where [projectId] is the Firebase project you want to run your daily report on.

For example: firebase ext:install . --project=firerun-123

5. Choose 'Y' to give permission for the extension to run.

6. Enter the name of the Cloud Storage bucket to save backups, found in the previous step. Note, just enter the name without the gs://

7. Select the frequency of backups. Note, more frequent backups could incur greater cost.

8. Choose the Firestore Collections you want to backup. You can choose a specific list of Collections by entering each Collection name separated by a comma. Backup all Firestore Collections by leaving blank and hitting enter.

Your extension will install in 3-5 minutes.

The first backup will occur depending on the frequency you selected. If you selected 12 hours, your first backup will occur in 12 hours.

Verify Setup

You are all set up! You will start receiving your daily report the next day. You can go to the Extensions section of the Firebase Console to verify the install. If you have an errors please contact us.

Successful Extension Installation

Restore Firestore from a backup

If you want to restore your Firestore from a Cloud Storage backup, please follow these import instructions.

More Info

Brought to you by Ayrshare's Social Media APIs


Backup Firestore Database to Cloud Storage






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