It's a clone of original Netflix website. I had implemented the firebase authentication for the use Login/Signup. Project consist of the Home page where we can discover the movies, series etc. based on genre. Famous TMDB Api is used for data source
- I have covered all the frontend part, which means i have designed and implemented the user interface of the website to resemble the original Netflix website.
- To display the movies and showcase trending movie posters on the landing page, fetch data from a data source. In this case, i have used the famous TMDB API as the data source. The TMDB API is a popular choice for retrieving movie and TV show data, including information about genres, cast, release dates, and more.
- In addition to the frontend development, i have implemented Firebase Authentication for user login and signup. Firebase Authentication is a service provided by Google that allows you to handle user authentication easily and securely. By integrating Firebase Authentication into your project, users can create accounts, log in, and access personalized features.
- Overall, it seems like i have created a functioning clone of the Netflix website with frontend development, data fetching from the TMDB API, and user authentication using Firebase.
- JavaScript
- React JS
- Material UI
- Firebase
You can go through the project by Navigating to /src/components/
and /src/pages
There you can see 5 folders in components:-
- featured
- footer
- list
- listitem (show movies according to the genere)
- navbar
In pages we have
- home (Main page to show the movies list using the api)
- login
- signup
- register
and also one tab folder which is used for the tab change in landing page they all have their own js and scss file.
- We have one request.js file which contains API token and requests with different genere. 👉Project Link