This connector is for Azure Network Watcher logs which can be pushed to Logstash or ArcSight. This connector accesses the Azure Network Watcher logs in Blob Storage, extracts the JSON data and pushes the JSON payload over HTTP or converts the JSON payload to CEF format and pushes it over Syslog.
The JSON over HTTP payload has been tested to be pushed to an ELK stack
The CEF over Syslog has been tested to be pushed to ArcSight
Storage Account credentials can be stored and accessed from HashiCorp Vault, Environemnt Variables or from the source code :P
Differential log push has been implemented yet through the a key,value(account name,[blobs visited]) format in a yaml file, which wil also have the option to use a NoSQL instance.
Store credentials as follows in environemnt variables or vault:
blob_account_name= StorageAccount1,StorageAccount2,StorageAccount3
blob_account_key = StorageAccountKey1,StorageAccountKey2,StorageAccountKey3
If you find this useful, please create issues or feature requests here