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CF Query minmal graph DB, programming assignments for the formal languages course in St Petersburg University


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Minimal graph DB - SPbU Formal Languages Course project

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Assignment 1

Basic tests for pyformlang and pygraphblas functions are in ./tests/test_1

Installation uses Miniconda package manager. In order to run tests locally, use:

conda create -q -n test-env python=3.8 pygraphblas pytest numpy
conda activate test-env
pip3 install pyformlang                                                   

Then, while in the root directory, simply run:


Assignment_2: Simple graph DB

Minimal Graph DB accepts graphs in simple triples format, uses pyformlang regex format to specify queries.

usage: [-h] --graph GRAPH --regex REGEX [--start START] [--end END]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --graph GRAPH  path to graph file
  --regex REGEX  path to regex file
  --start START  path to given starting vertices
  --end END      path to given end vertices

Test with python3 -m pytest


Experimental report can be found in RPQAnalysis.pdf. CSV files used in analysis are in ./query_benchmarks.


Added wrapper for Context-Free grammars in pyformlang which uses my implementation of CYK algorithm for the contains method.

Module src.cfpq implements the extended version of this algorithm to perform context-free path querying.


Two more cfpq implementations were added in src.cfpq: with matrix multiplication and with transitive closure

CFG is accepted as text file with lines HEAD BODY delimited with space symbols. The format allows production body to contain regular expression:

S (a S b)*

All variables should be uppercase, terminals - lowercase.


Experimental report with different CFPQ algorithms can be found in CFPQAnalysis.pdf. The plots were generated using the Seaborn library, algorithms were launched with timeout 30m shell command, to avoid hanging benchmarks on one iteration.

Assignment_7: Graph DB Query Language Syntax

Syntax documentation

Statements in the script should be separated with ;, tokens and keywords - with arbitrary amount of whitespace. Strings are defined like this: "example_string", supported string characters: (/, ., _, 0-9, a-z) . Int type describes natural numbers.

Description of the possible database statements:

  • connect [PATH] - connects to the database with the specified path, path should be of string type. Example usage:

    connect "azat/home/db" ;
  • select [TARGET] from [GRAPH] - selects specified target from the graph or graph expression.

    Possible [TARGET] values:

    • edges - if you need to select a set of edges

    • filter [EDGE EXPRESSION] with [PREDICATE] - if you need to filter edges with some predicate. Edge expression can be either edges or filter of edges.

      • Predicate format: satisfies [BOOLEAN EXPRESSION] For the triple (v, label, u) returns boolean value for a combination of boolean predicates of the form:

        isStart [VERTEX NAME]
        isFinal [VERTEX NAME]
        labelIs [LABEL NAME]

        where isStart, isFinal return whether vertex is start or final. Vertex and variable names should start with letter character, the rest of the name can contain numbers.

        Combined expressions with these predicates can be specified with and, or, not.

        Example usage:

        select filter edges with 
              ( u, l, v ) satisfies labelIs "ar" or ( isStart u and isFinal v ) 
                      from name "sparsegraph" ;
    • count [EDGE EXPRESSION] - if you need to select the count of edges. Edge expression can be either edges or filter of edge expression.

    GRAPH expression can be one of:

    • name [GRAPH NAME]

    • query [PATTERN]

      • PATTERN represents a non-empty user-defined reqular expression. Supported operators are alt -alternative, plus - one or more occurences, star - * operator, opt - optional character. User-defined epsilon is ptEps. Both terminals and nonterminals are defined asTerminals are preceded with term keyword, nonterminals - with var.

      Example usage: query term "a" concat var "s" concat term "b" concat var "s" ;

    • [GRAPH EXPRESSION] intersect [GRAPH EXPRESSION] - intersection of graph automata

    • startAndFinal [VERTICES] [VERTICES] of [GRAPH EXPRESSION] - specifies start and final vertices for the graph or graph expression

      • VERTICES can be specified as a set of numbers (set 1 2 3 4 ...) or as a range: range ( start , end )
  • define [PATTERN] as [PATTERN NAME] of [GRAPH EXPRESSION] - this statement should be used to define named patterns to build grammar productions.

Asssignment 8: ANTLR parser for Graph DB Query Language

Minor syntax updates:

  1. In the patterns term "a", var "b" should now be used as term("a"), var("b"). Same with labelIs, isFinal, isStart predicates (e.g. isStart(u))
  2. Now you can also specify regex pattern with characters +, ?, *, ., examples:
    define term("a")*.term("b")?.var("s")+ as "my_pattern" ;
  3. Set syntax: set(1,2,3,5)

Antlr grammar tests in CI are running on updated syntax.

To use

  1. Install antlr
  2. Run cd ./antlr in this repo's root
  3. Generate .py files in that directory with antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 DbQlGrammar.g4

DOT visualization:

DOT visualization is implemented using python antlr runtime (by generated tree traversal). Use src.script_to_dot tool for this, usage:

python3 -m [-h] --script [PATH_TO_SCRIPT_FILE] --output [PATH_TO_DESIRED_OUTPUT] [--view]

    --view     optional, the tool opens visual representation if option is present

Example usage:

python3 -m src.script_to_dot --script ./antlr/example_scripts/example.txt --output example.gv --view


CF Query minmal graph DB, programming assignments for the formal languages course in St Petersburg University








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