DietPi, bookworm: v9.9
sha256: 046599f364ec42edaa8477652ea6c934000ce5e7cba656b37dc6845810dba21c
Cluster docker swarm
2x NanoPi Neo3 (model 2Gb ram) (one more coming soon)
2x 64Gb MicroSD
1x Switch TP-Link TL-SG1008P
apt update && apt install git vim wget curl dbus net-tools ca-certificates gnupg -y
apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin -y
apt install git vim curl wget dbus net-tools nfs-common ca-certificates gnupg build-essential cmake libssl-dev neofetch -y
apt install cups libcups2-dev avahi-daemon -y
apt install ssl-cert xfonts-utils xfonts-encodings fonts-dejavu-core fontconfig-config libnss3 -y
apt update && sudo apt install git vim curl wget dbus net-tools nfs-common ca-certificates gnupg build-essential libssl-dev neofetch -y
apt update && sudo apt install git vim wget curl net-tools ca-certificates gnupg -y
apt update && sudo apt install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin -y
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ root@{ip_node}
{ip_nfs_server}:{path_shared} {path_mount} nfs4 intr,timeo=100,_netdev,rw 0 0
docker swarm init --advertise-addr {ip_master}
This command is executed only once on the master node.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join --token {token} {ip_master}:2377
Execute the command on each node you want to use as a worker.
docker swarm join-token manager
This command is executed only once on the master node.
To add a manager to this swarm, only managers run the following command:
docker swarm join --token {token} {ip_master}:2377
Execute the command on each node you want to use as a manager.
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yaml {name}
This command is executed only once on the master node.
Display Options > LED Control > mmc0
Hardware Spec