Single Page Application experiment for poll creation, using Social authentication.
Built with:
- Django
- Django-rest-framework
- Django allauth + Django rest auth
- React
- Semantic UI
For project overview and code details, see here
Hosted on heroku.
For API endpoints, see here.
For React readme, see here.
For Local Setup:
- Install requirements from requirements/local.txt
- whitenoise can be uninstalled if it's not required (it's recommended for heroku). Also, clear up to avoid any issuse:
import os
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
#Remove this
from whitenoise.django import DjangoWhiteNoise
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "voting_app.settings")
application = get_wsgi_application()
#Remove this
application = DjangoWhiteNoise(application)
- Create a secrets.json file(rename secrets.json.example) and fill in the required keys and values.
- Create a website in Django admin panel with proper url for twitter auth. Also add this url to hosts file.
- Create new social application in Django admin for twitter. (See the docs of django-rest-auth for more details)
- inside polls application takes care of twitter redirect to React. twitter_login_url variable is imported from It:
- should be "http://localhost:3000/twitter_logged_in" for local setup with webpack proxy.
- should be "http://localhost:8000/twitter_logged_in" for local setup with react build completed.
- should be "http://heroku_app_link/twitter_logged_in" for production.
- takes care of adding CORS headers for Webpack proxy.
- FrontendAppView serves the index.html, from build folder of React app.
- In react app, set the TWITTER_LOGIN_URL in utils/variables.js to "" {like ""}
- In react app, set the TWITTER_LOGIN_URL in utils/variables.js to "http://productionurl/auth/twitter/login/" {like ""} and build the react project.
- setup the python runtime in runtime.txt
- requirements.txt takes care of production requirement installs.
- Create env variables in Heroku for variables listed in settings/ EMAIL_USER, EMAIL_PASS, SECRET_KEY, DATABASE_URL.
- Set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE variable on heroku to voting_app.settings.production
- add production url to ALLOWED_HOSTS.
- Set ADMINS emails.
- Add heroku domain as website domain in Django admin.
- Create a social application in Django admin for twitter. (See the docs of django-rest-auth for more details)
- polls/tests - for DRF tests
- frontend/src/tests - for React tests
- I used windows to build this and was getting Windows specific error on new twitter user creation. Right before redirection to React app I was receiving the error message, saying: "ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it". New user gets added though, and later login attempts go smooth. I thought this issue is coming because the smtp servers weren't set on local env. I also disabled the Email verification for users in django-allauth so that the application won't try to send any verification emails.