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Azure Container Apps with Terraform

This repository contains a series of projects designed to create, configure, and manage Azure Container Apps using Terraform. Each project focuses on a specific aspect of Azure Container Apps, with detailed guides, Terraform scripts, and links to the complete articles on

Directory Structure

  1. container_apps_basic_setup - Azure Container Apps – Creating using Terraform [Part 1] Azure Container Apps Basic build status

    • Explores the basics of creating Azure Container Apps with Terraform.
    • Sets up an environment with Virtual Network integration, Container Registry, and Log Analytics.
    • Details steps for using images from Azure Container Registry.
  2. container_apps_key_vault - Azure Container Apps Secrets Management with Terraform Azure Container Apps Key Vault build status

    • Demonstrates secure secrets management in Azure Container Apps using Azure Key Vault.
    • Provides a sample application, Terraform scripts for RBAC setup, and GitHub Actions workflow for automated deployment.
    • Utilizes the latest AzureRM provider to streamline integration with Azure Key Vault.
  3. container_apps_servicebus - Azure Container Apps – Service Bus [Part 6]

    • Integrates Azure Service Bus with Azure Container Apps for messaging and scaling.
    • Includes performance testing details for handling high message volumes and scaling efficiently.
  4. container_apps_traffic_split - Azure Container Apps – Traffic Splitting [Part 4]

    • Covers traffic splitting between application revisions in Azure Container Apps.
    • Configures revision weights to direct traffic between different application versions.

Getting Started

Each directory includes:

  • Explaining the purpose and steps of the project.
  • Terraform Scripts: Configurations for deploying resources in Azure.
  • Sample Application Code: Where applicable, code samples demonstrate the integration.

To run any project:

  1. Install Terraform: Ensure Terraform is installed.
  2. Configure Azure CLI: Install and authenticate with Azure CLI.
  3. Initialize and Apply Terraform:
    terraform init
    terraform apply -var-file=<your_variables_file>.tfvars