Welcome to my Android Basics in Kotlin repo.
Please note: This repo is a work in progress.
This repository consists of projects undertaken as part of the Android Basics in Kotlin course (https://developer.android.com/courses/android-basics-kotlin/course).
Special attention has been given to writing instrumentation tests covering: recycler view, navigation, fragments, viewmodel and livedata, some basic customer matchers and mocking.
- Kotlin language core concepts (classes and inheritance,lists, coroutines, functions, lambdas, high order functions etc.)
- Android Jetpack Compose (Navigation, ViewModel and LiveData, Pref DataStore, WorkManager)
- Data Persistence (Room, Pref Data Store)
- Networking (Kotlin coroutines)
- Dice Roller
- Lemonade (to be added)
- TipTime
- Affirmations - RecyclerView, Testing RecyclerView
- Dogglers (to be added)
- Words - Fragments, Navigation Component, Testing Navigation
- UnScramble - ViewModel & LiveData
- Cupcake - Shared ViewModel & LiveData, Testing ViewModel & LiveData
- Lunch Tray - Shared ViewModel & LiveData
- MarsPhotos - ViewModel, Co-routines, Retrofit, Moshi
- Amphibians - ViewModel, Co-routines, Retrofit, Moshi
- Inventory - Room, SQLite, ViewModel & LiveData
- BusScheduler - Room, SQLite, ViewModel & LiveData
- Forage - Room, SQLite, ViewModel & LiveData
- WaterMe - WorkManager, ViewModel