A database web application generator that scaffolds a fully functioning application with CRUD pages and JSON API end points. This is a database first development approach. The generator should figure out the database objects and create all the necessary user interface for it plus a rich set of JSON APIs.
Tools used:
- Java 8
- Apache MetaModel
- Pebble Template Engine
- Apache Maven
To be able to generate a full fledge web application the following frameworks:
- Go (net/http)
- ExpressJS
- Laravel
- SparkJava
Support the following persistent store:
- Mysql
- Postgresql
- Microsost SQL Server
- MongoDB
Generic enough to allow generation for more frameworks in other languages in the future.
- The Maven project will generate a novogen.jar file in the target directory
- The novogen.jar needs to be fed with a JSON file describing the project
- Example Usage: java -jar novogen.jar project.json
- The project will be generated in the path specified in project JSON file.