Releases: b-b-blueberry/RaisedGardenBeds
Releases · b-b-blueberry/RaisedGardenBeds
1.0.5 (2023/03/18)
1.0.4 → 1.0.5
- Update content pipeline for SMAPI 4.
- Update API for GenericModConfigMenu 1.5.
- Fix extra crafting material containers being ignored when crafting objects.
With thanks to @FricativeMelon for the API updates in PR #2 💝
1.0.4 (2022/05/22)
1.0.3 → 1.0.4
- Fix folder structure.
- Fix draw offset for held objects (eg. forage) acting as if for craftables.
- Fix FarmHouse always being a valid placement location, regardless of config preferences.
- Fix GenericModConfigMenu entries with omitted translation strings appearing as keys rather than null.
1.0.3 (2021/11/04)
1.0.2 → 1.0.3
- Fix object crafting recipes not being added to game data dictionaries when no other loaded mods are invalidating the data assets.
1.0.2 (2021/11/02)
1.0.1 → 1.0.2
For players:
- Garden beds can now be placed in FarmCave.
- Fix garden beds not showing broken sprite when exhausted.
- Fix garden beds shattering when broken and 'soft' tools are used on them (watering can, scythe, sword, ..).
- Fix garden bed arrangements in multiplayer not synchronising between players; now uses greedy search pattern regardless of per-player preferences.
- Possible fix for garden bed crafting recipes not appearing in CraftingPage after Robin's visit.
For developers:
- Add info notification when performing use actions on broken objects.
- Add FarmCave, IslandFarmCave, and IslandWest as valid locations for object placement.
- Fix broken objects not using their broken sprite.
- Fix broken objects being destroyed when hit by non-destructive tools, and not being destroyed when hit while crops are growing.
- Fix object arrangement mismatches when players have differing config preferences; check all game locations regardless of preferences.
- Fix check for watering objects on-placement in rain to use local weather rather than global weather.
- Add trace logging to crafting page harmony patches re: missing recipe issues.
- Flatten HarmonyPatch.Patch behaviour towards modular solution.
1.0.1 (2021/08/29)
1.0.0 → 1.0.1
For players:
- Fix starting event errors when dialogue strings have no translation in the current language.
- Fix objects being placed in a non-existent position when placing garden beds using the action button rather than the tool button.
- Add entries to the log file for information on the starting event and loaded translations.
- Lower starting event condition for friendship from 2 hearts to 1 heart.
For developers:
- Translations now correctly fall to the next best available default language for strings not translated in the current language.
- Fix event script string interpolation causing errors when dialogue strings are not translated in the current language.
- Fix objects being added to an invalid key in location objects dictionary when using the action button while held.
- Fix 'give' console command passing object name rather than variant key to item definitions dictionary.
- Add logging for root event status.
- Lower root event condition for friendship with Robin from 500 to 250.
1.0.0 (2021/08/16)
1.0.0-prerelease.5 → 1.0.0
- Item names can now correctly be used as identifiers in content pack RecipeIngredients entries.
- Set minimum API version to 3.12.0 for Harmony 2 requirement.
Raised Garden Beds: Pre-release 5
- Add CanBeArranged property to OutdoorPot/ItemDefinition.
- Change RecipeIngredients parsing logic to only accept IDs for base game objects.
- Change bad precondition for Old object variant.
- Change translation pack patches to use Fields instead of Entries to allow for multiple patches on the same language entry.
- Change default DaysToBreak value to be unbreakable.
- Game menu Crafting page recipes now use correct sprites and strings.
- End of night menu for new recipes now appears correctly.
- Update project to use Harmony 2.
Raised Garden Beds: Pre-release 4
- Fix broken unique object persistence.
- Remove Translations fallback that would use a random language if current or default was not found.
- Translations now show the key if no translation was found.
- Move check in the console command 'rgb.giveall' blocking use with no recipes unlocked to the correct method 'rgb.give'.
Raised Garden Beds: Pre-release 3
Release candidate for Raised Garden Beds with support for user-generated content packs and translation packs.
- Change GameContentPath values to begin in some "Mods" root path.
- Content Patcher now required.
- No longer requires Json Assets.
- No longer uses SMAPI's i18n for translations.
- No longer prone to ID shuffles.
- No longer patches TileSheets/Craftables texture.
- Add event testing console commands ('rgb.eventget 53050000' and 'rgb.eventset 53050000').
- Add missing 'learned to craft' string in event script and translation files.
- Fix sprite icon stack size count draw behaviour.
- Fix on-save-loaded behaviours not occurring when starting a new save.
Raised Garden Beds: Pre-release 2
- Fix handling for not-fully-defined variants, set variant count to 15 in craftable file (allowing for a total of 16 variants, currently using 12).