Stratux Europe Edition 1.5b2-eu010
Changes since last stable
- Image is based on Raspbian Buster instead of the "official Stratux" Raspbian Jessie image - new drivers, libraries, ...
- Improvements to the WebRadar (Thanks @TomBric)
- Support for up to three SDRs (ES+UAT+Flarm) in parallel
- Improved Ublox 9 support (Thanks @VirusPilot)
- Support for changing the Stratux IP Address
- Support form Flarm-NMEA output via TCP Port 2000, tested in EasyVFR, Flymap Android and SkyDemon
- Estimate distance of bearingless targets based on signal strength and transmit it via Flarm-NMEA (as a distance circle) and GDL90 (as 8 targets in a circle around the ownship position). Can be disabled in settings