- User Story and Features
- Prepared By: Md. Shahnawaz Ahmed (Asst. Lead Engineer, Solution Engineering, P&T), Aritra Banerjee (Asst. Lead Engineer, Solution Engineering, P&T)
- Dated: 12th May 2021
- Version: 1.0.5
Using this plugin, merchant can setup bKash payment gateway with selected product. Then merchant can start collecting payment from bKash customer for any requested service from merchant website.
- Wordpress (4.0 or above).
- WooCommerce (2.0 or above).
- PHP (7.0 or above)
- MySQL (5.6 or above)
- Change in Permalink so that .htaccess can be rewritable. (https://wpengine.com/resources/wordpress-permalinks/)
- File write permission for wp-content directory.
- Active bKash Merchant Wallet.
- bKash payment gateway credentials (Sandbox and Production)
This plugin supports below environments of bKash payment gateway.
* Sandbox
* Production
- Checkout Sale (Regular Checkout)
- Checkout Authorised and Capture Payment
- Tokenised - Without Agreement
- Tokenised - With Agreement Only
- Tokenised - Agreement and Without Agreement
- Merchant Wallet Balance Check (In Checkout Only)
- B2C Payout (In Checkout Only)
- Intra Account Transfer
- Web-hooks
- Refund
- Search Transaction
- Transaction List
- Search a transaction
- Check Balances
- Intra account transfer
- Disburse Money
- Transfer History
- Refund a Transaction
- Agreements
- Web-hooks
- Can setup bKash payment gateway. - Can manage credentials for bKash payment gateway. - Can set intent of payment modes. (Sale or Authorize) - Can view all transactions - online and offline (using webhook integration). - Can transfer money within wallet parts (Collection, Disbursement). - Can refund a transaction. - Can disburse money to bKash customer wallet. - Can search a transaction from it's merchant wallet.
- Can setup bKash payment gateway. - Can manage credentials for bKash payment gateway. - Can set intent of payment modes. (Sale or Authorize) - Can view all transactions - online and offline (using webhook integration). - Can refund a transaction. - Can search a transaction from it's merchant wallet. - Can view and delete all agreements from customers.
- Download and Setup Wordpress
- From plugin menu → add Plugin, one can install WooCommerce Plugin for Wordpress
- Activate WooCommerce Plugin and Set up WooCommerce related settings.
- Install WooCommerce bKash plugin from zip file by uploading it on Wordpress plugin menu.
- Activate the plugin, and go to WooCommerce Setting → Payments, find bKash PGW there and set it up with relevant information.
- Now bKash PGW should be available for use.
- Important! Change Permalink from Wordpress Settings → Reading to Post Name (etc).
- Align .htaccess file accordingly with the guidance of Wordpress on permalink setting page.
Share webhook URL to bKash by collecting from WooCommerce settings for bKash payment gateway.
To capture a payment collected from customer, merchant has to change order status from ON-HOLD to COMPLETED. To void a payment initiate by merchant, merchant has to change order status from ON-HOLD to CANCELLED.
If merchant wants to handle Capture/Void scenario programatically, use standard WooCommerce API/Hooks to change the status.
- Logging of request and response traces, so that file can be prepared for SO validation. (In WooCommerce Status Page you can find logs tab and Search for bKash_PGW_API_LOG_ file.
- Refund can also be initiated from WooCommerce Orders actions.
- Authorised and Capture action can be performed by changing order status On Hold → Completed.
- All transactions and history list are made using pagination, so on each page 10 entries can be viewed.