Threaded messaging app
realtime server to deliver messages & attachments?
Message components: Sender
- UserID
- datetime stamp Body
- MsgID
- text
- special content like email, web, or physical address Context
- MsgID where meaning
Client components: Composer
- text entry
- attach local media (photo, video, file?)
- special content formatter (email, web...) Manager
- active conversations
- tools to adjust focus (1 or 2 or more convos)
- show new message(s) Conversation
- active threads
- group messsages based on context
Contextual groupings
- intro/utterance (no context)
- long thought extends previous message (twitter 1/ 2/ 3/)
- reply connects to previous message sent by other (usually answering a question)
- tagged to further discussion on topic (twitter #hashtag)