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baatochan committed May 21, 2018
2 parents ba9c6e0 + a2e1f88 commit 7d360a6
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,248 additions and 3 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,9 @@ project(GraphRepresentationsAndAlgorithmsComparison)


add_executable(GraphRepresentationsAndAlgorithmsComparison main.cpp)
set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++")

set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp Program.cpp Graph.cpp DirectedGraph.cpp UndirectedGraph.cpp MinHeapElement.cpp)
add_executable(GraphRepresentationsAndAlgorithmsComparison ${SOURCE_FILES})
309 changes: 309 additions & 0 deletions DirectedGraph.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
// Created by barto on 19.05.18.

#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <climits>
#include "DirectedGraph.h"

using namespace std;

// public

DirectedGraph::DirectedGraph() : Graph("Graf skierowany", 1) {}

std::string DirectedGraph::getAvailableAlgorithms() {
std::string output = "";

output += "6. Algorytm Dijkstry (SP) [arg1 <- rodzaj reprezentacji (m - macierz, l - lista); arg2 <- wierzch. pocz.; arg3 <- wierzch. konc.]\n";

return output;

void DirectedGraph::generate(int numberOfVertices, int density, int range) {
double dens = (double)density / 100;
dens *= numberOfVertices * (numberOfVertices - 1);
int numberOfEdges = round(dens);

// prepare matrix and list


for (auto& row : incidenceMatrix) {
row.assign(numberOfVertices, 0);

// declare rands
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 mt(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomVertex(0, numberOfVertices - 1);
// std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomEdge(0, numberOfEdges - 1);
// std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomValue(1, 15);
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> randomValue(1, range);

int beginningVertex = 0;
int endVertex = 0;
int value;
bool edgeBeginningNotAvailable = true;
bool edgeEndNotAvailable = true;

// generate rand edges
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfEdges; i++) {
// random beggining
edgeBeginningNotAvailable = true;
while (edgeBeginningNotAvailable){
beginningVertex = randomVertex(mt);
edgeBeginningNotAvailable = !edgeBeginningAvailable(beginningVertex);
// random end
edgeEndNotAvailable = true;
while (edgeEndNotAvailable){
endVertex = randomVertex(mt);
edgeEndNotAvailable = !edgeEndAvailable(beginningVertex, endVertex);

value = randomValue(mt);

adjacencyList[beginningVertex].push_front({endVertex, value});
incidenceMatrix[i][beginningVertex] = value;
incidenceMatrix[i][endVertex] = -1 * value;


string DirectedGraph::runAlgorithm(char index, char arg1, int arg2, int arg3) {
string output;

if (index == 1) {
if (arg1 == 0) {
output = dijkstrasAlgorithmOnMatrix(arg2, arg3, true);
} else if (arg1 == 1) {
output = dijkstrasAlgorithmOnList(arg2, arg3, true);
} else {
throw "Nieznany blad!"; // should never be thrown
} else {
throw "Algorytm nie istnieje!";

return output;

void DirectedGraph::test() {


// protected

void DirectedGraph::loadRawDataToMatrix(std::vector<int> rawData) {
int i = 0;
incidenceMatrix.resize(rawData[i++]); // clear vector and resize to first item of raw data

for (auto& row : incidenceMatrix) {
row.assign(rawData[i], 0);

for (int j = 0; j < incidenceMatrix.size(); j++) {
int edgeBeginning = rawData[i++];
int edgeEnd = rawData[i++];
int edgeValue = rawData[i++];

if (edgeBeginning == edgeEnd) {
throw "Petle sa nieakceptowane!";

incidenceMatrix[j][edgeEnd] = edgeValue * -1;
incidenceMatrix[j][edgeBeginning] = edgeValue;

void DirectedGraph::loadRawDataToList(std::vector<int> rawData) {
int i = 0;

int numberOfEdges = rawData[i++];


for (int j = 0; j < numberOfEdges; j++) {
int edgeBeginning = rawData[i++];
int edgeEnd = rawData[i++];
int edgeValue = rawData[i++];

if (edgeBeginning == edgeEnd) {
throw "Petle sa nieakceptowane!";

adjacencyList[edgeBeginning].push_front({edgeEnd, edgeValue});

// private

std::string DirectedGraph::dijkstrasAlgorithmOnMatrix(int beginVertex, int endVertex, bool print) {
if (incidenceMatrix.size() == 0)
throw "Graf pusty!";

int numberOfVertices = incidenceMatrix[0].size();

if (beginVertex >= numberOfVertices || endVertex >= numberOfVertices)
throw "Poczatkowy lub koncowy wierzcholek nie istnieje!";

// create needed arrays and assign default values
vector<bool> visitedVertices;
vector<unsigned long> pathLength;
vector<int> previousVertex;
visitedVertices.assign(numberOfVertices, false);
pathLength.assign(numberOfVertices, ULONG_MAX);
previousVertex.assign(numberOfVertices, -1);

// assaing starting value
pathLength[beginVertex] = 0;
int currentVertex = beginVertex;
unsigned long shortestPath;
int shortestPathVertex;

// run main loop for numberOfVertices times (every vertex will be visisted)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++) {
unsigned long currentLength = pathLength[currentVertex];

for (auto& row : incidenceMatrix) {
if (row[currentVertex] > 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVertices; j++) {
if (row[j] < 0) {
if (pathLength[j] > currentLength + row[currentVertex]) {
pathLength[j] = currentLength + row[currentVertex];
previousVertex[j] = currentVertex;

visitedVertices[currentVertex] = true;

shortestPath = ULONG_MAX;
shortestPathVertex = -1;

for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVertices; j++) {
if (!visitedVertices[j]) {
if (pathLength[j] < shortestPath) {
shortestPath = pathLength[j];
shortestPathVertex = j;

if ((i != numberOfVertices - 1) && (shortestPathVertex == -1))
throw "Graf niespojny!";

currentVertex = shortestPathVertex;


if (print) {
string output;
output = "Najkrotsza droga z wierzch.: " + to_string(beginVertex) + " do wierzch.: " + to_string(endVertex) +
" wynosi: " + to_string(pathLength[endVertex]) + ".\n";
output += "Prowadzi nastepujaca droga: ";

currentVertex = endVertex;

output += to_string(currentVertex);

while (currentVertex != beginVertex) {
currentVertex = previousVertex[currentVertex];
output += " <- " + to_string(currentVertex);

return output;

return "";

std::string DirectedGraph::dijkstrasAlgorithmOnList(int beginVertex, int endVertex, bool print) {
if (adjacencyList.size() == 0)
throw "Graf pusty!";

int numberOfVertices = adjacencyList.size();

if (beginVertex >= numberOfVertices || endVertex >= numberOfVertices)
throw "Poczatkowy lub koncowy wierzcholek nie istnieje!";

// create needed arrays and assign default values
vector<bool> visitedVertices;
vector<unsigned long> pathLength;
vector<int> previousVertex;
visitedVertices.assign(numberOfVertices, false);
pathLength.assign(numberOfVertices, ULONG_MAX);
previousVertex.assign(numberOfVertices, -1);

// assaing starting value
pathLength[beginVertex] = 0;
int currentVertex = beginVertex;
unsigned long shortestPath;
int shortestPathVertex;

// run main loop for numberOfVertices times (every vertex will be visisted)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVertices; i++) {
unsigned long currentLength = pathLength[currentVertex];

for (auto& edge : adjacencyList[currentVertex]) {
if (pathLength[edge.edgeEnd] > currentLength + edge.value){
pathLength[edge.edgeEnd] = currentLength + edge.value;
previousVertex[edge.edgeEnd] = currentVertex;

visitedVertices[currentVertex] = true;

shortestPath = ULONG_MAX;
shortestPathVertex = -1;

for (int j = 0; j < numberOfVertices; j++) {
if (!visitedVertices[j]) {
if (pathLength[j] < shortestPath) {
shortestPath = pathLength[j];
shortestPathVertex = j;

if ((i != numberOfVertices - 1) && (shortestPathVertex == -1))
throw "Graf niespojny!";

currentVertex = shortestPathVertex;


if (print) {
string output;
output = "Najkrotsza droga z wierzch.: " + to_string(beginVertex) + " do wierzch.: " + to_string(endVertex) +
" wynosi: " + to_string(pathLength[endVertex]) + ".\n";
output += "Prowadzi nastepujaca droga: ";

currentVertex = endVertex;

output += to_string(currentVertex);

while (currentVertex != beginVertex) {
currentVertex = previousVertex[currentVertex];
output += " <- " + to_string(currentVertex);

return output;

return "";
34 changes: 34 additions & 0 deletions DirectedGraph.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
// Created by barto on 19.05.18.


#include "Graph.h"

class DirectedGraph : public Graph {

std::string getAvailableAlgorithms() override;

void generate(int numberOfVertices, int density, int range) override;

std::string runAlgorithm(char index, char arg1, int arg2, int arg3) override;

void test() override;

void loadRawDataToMatrix(std::vector<int> rawData) override ;
void loadRawDataToList(std::vector<int> rawData) override ;

std::string dijkstrasAlgorithmOnMatrix(int beginVertex, int endVertex, bool print);
std::string dijkstrasAlgorithmOnList(int beginVertex, int endVertex, bool print);



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