- node 18
- pnpm 8
- docker
pnpm i
docker-compose up -d
创建 .env
touch .env.local
- Recommended context
# Since .env is gitignored, you can use .env.example to build a new `.env` file when you clone the repo. # Keep this file up-to-date when you add new variables to \`.env\`. # This file will be committed to version control, so make sure not to have any secrets in it. # If you are cloning this repo, create a copy of this file named `.env` and populate it with your secrets. # We use dotenv to load Prisma from Next.js' .env file # @see https://www.prisma.io/docs/reference/database-reference/connection-urls DATABASE_URL=postgresql://johndoe:LAaiVZ3xwKkR@localhost:5432/trpc_nuxt_prisma_starter?schema=public AUTH_ORIGIN=http://localhost:3000 AUTH_SECRET=MoYvopp9A84V IdentityServer4_Issuer=https://xxx.aaaa.com:5500 IdentityServer4_CLIENT_ID=SINTHTT1112323232CODE IdentityServer4_CLIENT_SECRET=SGTSKT-h6g8-7eba-1d18323232a
推送 Prisma 设计到 数据库
pnpm db:push
数据库模型变更后执行迁移 (可选)
# 事例 pnpm --filter prisma migrate dev --name "add_star_field_to_user_table"
The stack originates from create-t3-app.
A blog post where I wrote how to migrate a T3 app into this.