My Arch Linux dotfiles.
You can use GNU Stow to install the
dotfiles contained in this repository. Simply cd
into your clone of this
repository and run the following command:
stow --target="$HOME" --no-folding .
By default, GNU Stow symlinks directories that don't exist in the target
directory, but with the --no-folding
flag, GNU Stow will create those
directories in your home directory, and only symlink actual files.
- Window manager: bspwm
- Compositor: picom
- Bar: Polybar
- Notification daemon: xfce4-notifyd
- Program launcher: Rofi
- Screen locker: betterlockscreen
- Sans-serif font: Noto Sans
- Serif font: Noto Serif
- Cascadia Code: Cascadia Code
- Monospace font: Consolas
- Icon font for Polybar: Font Awesome
- Shell: Zsh
- Terminal emulator: Alacritty
- Oh-My-Zsh: Oh-My-Zsh
- Terminal Theme: Powerlevel10k
- Primary code editor: Visual Studio Code and yes i use microsoft's one (need some plugins from store);
- Text editor for quick edit: Vim
- Java IDE: IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or NetBeans
- Web browser: Firefox
- File manager:Thunar
- Video player: mpv
- Screenshot tool: Flameshot
- Password Manager: Bitwarden
- BTRFS + timeshift with auto-snap and grub entries Script
- GTK theme: Materia
- Cursor theme: Capitaine cursors
- Wallpaper
Inspired by: OverMighty