v3 Cloud and sharing platform for Turtlestitch
Rewritten from scratch with a backend in Django and some tailwind and htmx on the frontend side.
Currently, supports both the legacy TurtleCloud/BeetleCloud API and the new Snap!/SnapCloud API
cp env.SAMPLE .env
make sure those values fit your system.
docker compose up
You also need to create an admin/superuser if you are not importing/migrating from an existing database (as we do):
docker compose exec django python manage.py createsuperuser
Finally go to: http://localhost:8000
Link (or copy) docker-compose.dev.yml to docker-compose.override.yml
cp docker-compose.dev.yml docker-compose.override.yml
This will start Django's development server on port 8000 with hot reloading. It also starts caddy as local proxy server on port 80 and with SSL on port 443. In some cases this is needed for testing. Feel free to adapt ports and other settings the the docker-compose.override file - it is not tracked by git.
You can the standart Django management script like:
docker compose exec django python manage.py
If you don't like docker, you can run turtlenest with uv. Just make sure you configure a valid database in your environment or .env file, see env.SAMPLE. Install dependies:
uv sync --frozen
run development server
uv run manage.py runserver
or using a .env file:
uv run --env-file .env manage.py runserver
For styling in frontend development you need to run tailwind to watch and compile the stylesheets. You need node and a node package manager. We use pnpm On first use run:
pnpm install
pnpm run dev