The iPet project aims to deliver a web-based platform that offers customers secure registration and login access*, smooth appointment booking* and management*, current appointment status tracking*, and appointment history searching* for the customer. Add-on features like personalized account management*, visual display of store content* which includes both groomer ranks and service details, as well as pricing transparency* is provided as well for them. Additionally, for shop managers, the system will enable master file maintenance* and sales data visualization* for which they can make modifications to critical system data such as the information of the customers, groomers and service, while also providing detailed information of recent appointments, business analytics* and reporting* features in specific time period. Finally, the iPet system will feature an ability to edit upselling and cross-selling strategies*, ensuring the shop manager timely develop the selling strategies adaptive to marketing fluctuations and changing needs of customers.
Server Configuration:
- Server: Aliyun Server
- Operating System: Windows Server 2022 Datacenter 21H2 (64-bit operating system)
- Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8269CY CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz (x64 based processor)
- Installed RAM: 4GB
Software Confguration:
- Java Version-16.0.2
- MYSQL-8.0.30
- Springboot Version-2.7.10
Development Platform
- Visual Studio code
- username: manager
- password: group10
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Here is the demo video of this project: