Download the entire repo as a Zip. Unzip the file. Right click the Respotter.ps1 file. Run as a Powershell Script. Four simple steps!
This script will output one of two things when ran.
When no Responder is found on your network,
"Responder not found..."
When Responder is found on your network,
Responder present at: (The IP Address will then be shown here)
This script really hinges on one PowerShell CmdLet:
Resolve-DnsName -LlmnrOnly Loremipsumdolorsitamet
This Cmdlet in this application queiries the DNS with a bogus Domain name that does not exist, in this case: Loremipsumdolorsitamet. The output of the DNS Server's response is then analyized to see if there is a Responder running; since Responder "responds" to any DNS query, correct or incorrect.
Convert the Respotter.ps1 file to a Executable file by running:
PS C:\> Install-Module ps2exe
Invoke-ps2exe .\Respotter.ps1 .\Respotter.exe
Then, set up the scheduled task on this executable, in the same directory
You shouldn't, this command is just a DNS Resolution, so anyone can do it. But you may need extra permissions to run as a schedueled service.
You can use this as you please!
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me, I am still learning and always want to be learning so feel free to shoot me an email at
LinkedIn: Baden Erb
Instagram: berb.png
Thanks for taking a look at my project!