Explore the energy consumption of European industrial processes.
Streamlit web app. to visualise the data behind the JRC-IDEES: Integrated Database of the European Energy Sector.
Explore the dynamics of energy demand from the European industry
- From historical national data on physical outputs, to fuel consumption and emissions intensities, dive into the specifics of major European industrial sectors covering iron & steel, non-metallic mineral products, non-ferrous metals, pulp & paper, and the chemical industry.
Total emissions from the Basic chemicals
industry in EU27 + UK, 2000-2015.
Derive insights from granular data on industrial sectors
- Assess emission intensities and demand by fuel for each process within the major industrial sectors.
Emission intensities broken-down by process from the
Non ferrous metals
industry in EU27 + UK, 2015. -
Evaluate alternative scenarios for fuel demand
- Simulate alternative fuel demand options for major industrial sectors and analyse the associated impacts on emissions.
Impact of green electricity on total emissions of each industrial process in EU27 + UK (base year = 2015).
This app leverages files from multiple sources:
- The JRC Integrated Database of the European Energy System, published by the European Commission
- Yearly electricity data, published by EMBER
- The Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics, published by eurostat
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy, published by the IEA
- favicon by icon8
- lottie animation by Y. Pauranik