This repository is the final project (Java GUI) of the Object Oriented Programming Class, Informatics Engineering, Universitas Padjadjaran.
The Snake game is a game where the player controls a line that grows in length, with the line itself being the main obstacle.
NPM | Name |
14080190009 | Farhan Gunadi |
14080190025 | Aghniya Abdurrahman Mannan |
14080190037 | Bagas Adi Firdaus |
Sprint Planning - (18 November 2020)
- Divide tasks for the first week
- Create Sprint 1
Sprint 1 - (18 November 2020 - 24 November 2020)
- Making board games
- Create a snake object and place it on the board
- Create apple objects and place them on the board randomly
- Make movement of snake object
Sprint 2 - (25 November 2020 - 02 December 2020)
- Create a scoring system
- Make game ending condition
- Create application start and end conditions
Sprint 3 - (03 December 2020 - 09 December 2020)
- Create application start and end conditions
- Created an additional condition where the snake's movement is accelerated if the user presses the shift key
- Cleaned up the code and complements
The main file used in this program is
1. Open Terminal in the IDE you are using
2. Run the class
javac src/
3. Run the class
javac src/
java src/
4. Enjoy the game
1. Main Application -
- The main program to handle Display and Gameplay
2. Gameplay -
- Class for running game process
- 13 Variable Classes
- snake head: Image Icon
- Timer: Timer
- delay: to
- SnakeBody: ImageIcon
- speedUp: AtomicBoolean
- snakeHeadXPos: int
- appleImage: ImageIcon
- xPos: int
- yPos: int
- titleImage: ImageIcon
- High score: String
- arrowImage: ImageIcon
- shiftImage: ImageIcon
- 6 Methods
- Gameplay() - For constructor classes
- paint(g) - For frame/UI design
- drawString(g, text, x, y) - to display a string on the screen with \n in it
- actionPerformed(e) - Used to set the snake's movement
- keyPressed(e) - To set conditions when pressing keyboard keys
- keyReleased (e) - To set when user release/press shift
3. Score -
- Class to set the score game
- 1 Variable Class
- score: be
- 7 Methods
- Score() - For constructor classes
- increaseScore() - To increase/increase score
- resetScore() - To reset score
- getScore() - to return value to Gameplay view
- getHighScore() - Function to get HighScore
- sortHighScore() - to sort high scores
- saveNewScore() - Function to write new score in file
4. Snake -
- Class to manage snake
- 9 Variable Class
- snakexLength: int []
- snake length: int []
- lengthOfSnake: int
- move: to
- left: boolean
- right: boolean
- top: boolean
- bottom: boolean
- death: boolean
- 10 Methods
- Snake() - For constructor classes
- moveRight() - To move the snake to the right
- moveLeft() - To move the snake to the left
- moveUp() - To move the snake up
- moveDown() - To move the snake down
- dead() - Function turns off so as not to repeat writing code many times
- movementRight() - For snake movement to the right
- movementLeft() - For snake movement to the left
- movementUp() - For snake movement up
- movementDown() - For downward movement of the snake
5. Apple -
- Class to set the position of the apple when the game starts
- 2 Variable Class
- applexPos: int[]
- appleyPos: int []
- 0 Method
- App Design
- The game board is designed with a size of 100x100 cells.
- Game will start when user press SPACEBAR
- Score
- The game starts with a score = 0 and will increase by 1 every time you eat an apple
- When the program is first run, the highscore will be = 0
- High score will be saved when snake has been played to death (game over)
- The program will store the 10 highest highscores
- Highscore will not disappear even if the application is closed
- Score will be saved in
- Snake
- The initial length of the snake before it starts = 5 cells and will increase by 1 cell every time it eats an apple
- The snake will die when it hits the wall or hits the body
- Boostspeed when pressing SHIFT on the keyboard
- Every time the score reaches a multiple of 5, the snake moves faster
- Boostspeed adjusts the speed of the snake
- Apple
- Apples will appear randomly when the game starts
- Apple size 1 cell