These are my solutions for the 2018 Advent of Code puzzles. This is just a way for me to practice python.
- Python 3
Just use python
to run the aoc
To run Day 1, Part 1 with the input I received:
$ python -m aoc 1 1
Or you can run it with any input file
$ python -m aoc 1 1 path/to/input/file.txt
Or you can run it with input directly as an argument
$ python -m aoc 1 1 abcdefg
Within the comments of each file I'll be capturing some very simple notes about the algorithm and space/time complexity.
In any notes that reference Big O notation, n
will always refer to the number of lines or items in the puzzle input,
unless otherwise noted.
Here are my thoughts or lessons learned from the puzzles.
Looking back, I could have used a deque
for part 2 instead of the circular iterator, but oh well.
Key insight for part 2 was realizing the wildcard strategy could be use to detect an off-by-one difference in linear time.
Not much to say here but defaultdict
certainly made the grid management simple.
All the non-linear time complexity comes from sorting the notes chronologically. After that it's just state management to loop over the records for the puzzle solutions.
I know that using cursors to traverse an iterable is not a very pythonic way to do things, but I couldn't see how else
to make my react()
function work.
I really struggled with this one. I think I had four or five false starts. It was realizing how infinite region detection should work that got me over the hurdle.
Oof, graph problems. Not my strong suit. I first tried to do this by just traversing the graph and kept getting bogged down in implementation - too much state to manage. Once I decided to progressively destroy the graph things become much easier to manage.
I was really happy when I solved this one. I spent about 20x as much time thinking about the problem than I did typing.
It's the algorithm in parse_license()
that does all the real work. Such a simple implementation but it was difficult
for me to visualize quickly.
This puzzle screamed for a circular data structure and deque
made this almost trivial.
Super neat puzzle idea - it never dawned on me that one of these would require human judgment to find the answer. I very quickly realized that the initial positions of the points puts them tens-of-thousands of grid places away from each other, and that printing every single iteration would be foolhardy. I eventually figured that the final output would print within a standard terminal, which was a bit of a guess, but turned out to work very well.
This is also the first puzzle where there's effectively a separate code path just for the integration tests.
For part 2 I originally had a fairly brute-force solution that took a couple minutes to run. It gave the right answer but I wasn't super happy and figured a better algorithm existed. After checking the Reddit thread I learned about summed-area tables and re-wrote my solution with this new knowledge in hand and the updated function completes in less than 10 seconds.
There are both unit tests and integration tests, all of which require pytest
The integration tests prove the full solutions using the sample input data provided by the puzzle descriptions, when available.
To run:
# All tests
$ pytest
# Unit Tests
$ pytest tests/unit/
# Integration Tests
$ pytest tests/integration/