A Gradle plugin that lets you compile Apache Avro schemas to Java classes and supports dependencies.
It is available on the Gradle Plugin Portal.
This plugin applies the gradle-avro-plugin
and adds the capability to reference external Avro schemas in your schema files using dependencies.
This plugin adds the configurations avroImplementation
and testAvroImplementation
to your Gradle project.
Thereby, you can include external .avsc files without copying them to the project.
The .avsc files need to be present in the referenced artifact.
If the java-library plugin is also present, .avsc files will be added to the jar publication,
thus making it usable as a dependency for the aforementioned configurations.
The java-library plugin also adds the avroApi
With the following build.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("com.bakdata.avro") version "1.0.0"
repositories {
dependencies {
avroImplementation(group = "com.bakdata.kafka", name = "error-handling", version = "1.2.2")
you are able to compile the following Avro schema when placing it in src/main/avro
"type": "record",
"name": "Record",
"namespace": "com.bakdata",
"fields": [
"name": "dead_letter",
"type": "com.bakdata.kafka.DeadLetter"
By just using the gradle-avro-plugin, you would not be able to compile the schema
because the schema for com.bakdata.kafka.DeadLetter
is not present in the project.
It is located in the com.bakdata.kafka:error-handling
and our plugin adds it to the classpath of the Avro compiler.
Snapshot versions of these plugins are published to Sonatype.
You can use them in your project by adding the following snippet to your settings.gradle.kts
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven(url = "https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots")