All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8081/api/v1
Method | HTTP request | Description |
search_data | GET /servers/{server_id}/search-data | Search the data inside PowerDNS |
search_log | GET /servers/{server_id}/search-log | Query the log, filtered by search_term. |
SearchResults search_data(server_id, q, max)
Search the data inside PowerDNS
Search the data inside PowerDNS for search_term and return at most max_results. This includes zones, records and comments. The * character can be used in search_term as a wildcard character and the ? character can be used as a wildcard for a single character.
# load the gem
require 'powerdns'
# setup authorization
PowerDNS.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: APIKeyHeader
config.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
server_id = "server_id_example" # String | The id of the server to retrieve
q = "q_example" # String | The string to search for
max = 56 # Integer | Maximum number of entries to return
#Search the data inside PowerDNS
result = api_instance.search_data(server_id, q, max)
p result
rescue PowerDNS::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling SearchApi->search_data: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
server_id | String | The id of the server to retrieve | |
q | String | The string to search for | |
max | Integer | Maximum number of entries to return |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
Array<String> search_log(server_id, q)
Query the log, filtered by search_term.
# load the gem
require 'powerdns'
# setup authorization
PowerDNS.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: APIKeyHeader
config.api_key['X-API-Key'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['X-API-Key'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance =
server_id = "server_id_example" # String | The id of the server to retrieve
q = "q_example" # String | The string to search for
#Query the log, filtered by search_term.
result = api_instance.search_log(server_id, q)
p result
rescue PowerDNS::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling SearchApi->search_log: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
server_id | String | The id of the server to retrieve | |
q | String | The string to search for |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json