This is a basic food ordering app (add to cart) made with React. We have used the live swiggy api to develop this app. By running this app we can see the different restaurants cards, menu and then add the items to the cart. Topics covered by building this app -
- npm, parcel, babel
- Virtual DOM, Reconciliation Algorithm (React Fiber)
- JSX, React Components
- Class based vs functional components
- props/state
- Function mapping
- React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext)
- Monolith Architecture vs Microservice Architecture
- Conditional Rendering
- API usage
- React Router (Dynamic Routing, Outlet Component, useParams)
- Client side routing vs Server side routing
- Class based components
- Lifecycle method
- Custom Hooks
- Suspense component, lazy
- Tailwind CSS
- Higher order components
- Controlled vs uncontrolled components
- Redux Toolkit (React-Redux, Actions, Reducers, useDispatch, useSelector)
- DevTools (React and Redux)
- Jest, React Testing Library (Unit & Integration Testing) & many more...
- Clone this repo by running
git clone
- Install dependencies by running
npm install
- Run
npm run start