Website blocker to help facilitate productivity.
Built using Python and JavaScript.
Blocked websites return the page 'This site cannot be reached' generic browser message.
This script make continual edits to the 'hosts' file found within /etc/hosts to redirect blocked websites to ''.
When users navigate to a blocked website during 'focus mode', the browser will display 'This page cannot be reached' - in effect, blocking access to the domain.
Replace filePath with the following line:
const filePath = "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts";
Mac and Linux users can skip this step.
$ sudo nano blocker.js
Open command prompt as Administrator => go to project directory => run the following command:
nano blocker.js
The script can be run automatically on starting up the system by using crontab. Open terminal and enter:
sudo crontab -e
This will enable us to modify the cron table. Add the following line to the end of the cron table - replacing 'path-to-focusMode' with the path to where you have saved the focusMode file.
@reboot node /path-to-focusMode/focusMode.js
Follow this guide to schedule scripts to run at boot for Windows
Future Updates:
- Panel to configure start/end times
- Weekend mode/customise working schedule to enable website blocker
- Pomodoro Timer functionality that disables block during breaks
- Track time spent on blocked websites
- Schedule blocks for specific websites
- User inputs which websites should be blocked