Some published and unpublished data, provided in electronic form. Please refer to the relevant papers (listed with the data) for descriptions and cite as appropriate.
- Atomic and molecular data
- Collisional broadening by hydrogen
- Inelastic electron collision data
- Inelastic hydrogen collision data
- Partition functions
- Observed Spectra
- S4N database
- Theoretical spectra
- Hydrogen line grids
- Stellar data
- HERES survey
- Data for 4891 spectral lines between 2300 and 13000 Angstroms of elements from Li to Ni
(directory: broadening-neutral)
Published in Barklem et al (2000) and are incorporated in VALD.
Due to its low loggf, we missed Mg I 4571. A specific calculation using Thomas-Fermi-Dirac wave functions gives sigma (10000 m/s) = 231 atomic units, alpha = 0.260.
- Data for Fe II and Cr II lines
(directory: broadening-ionised)
The data for Fe II was published in Barklem & Aspelund-Johansson (2005). The Cr II data was calculated in 2007 due to a request and used in Sobeck et al (2007). The calculations used the method described in Barklem & Aspelund-Johansson (2005), so if you use the Cr II data you can cite that paper for the method. These data are also in VALD.
A general description of how to use Anstee, Barklem & O'Mara theory data is given here. A general program for interpolating data for broadening of lines neutral atoms from precomputed tables is given here
- Data for Li + e inelastic collisions: See Yeisson Osorio's page.
- Data for O + e inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-O+e)
Published in Barklem (2007), though here I have extended the temperature range up to 100000 K, and included the data for all 19 spectroscopic states as only the data for the lowest 7 were included explicitly in the paper.
- Data for Mg + e inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-Mg+e)
Published in Barklem et al. (2017)
- Data for Li + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-Li+H)
Published in Barklem et al (2003) and are based on cross sections published in Belyaev & Barklem (2003).
- Data for Na + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-Na+H)
Published in Barklem et al (2010) and are based on cross sections published in Belyaev et al (2010).
- Data for Mg + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-Mg+H)
Published in Barklem et al (2012) and are based on cross sections published in Belyaev et al (2012).
- Data for Si + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-Si+H)
Published in Belyaev et al (2014).
- Data for Ca + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-Ca+H)
Published in Barklem (2016), with an erratum.
- Data for O + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-O+H)
Published in Barklem (2017).
- Data for K + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-K+H)
- Data for Rb + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-Rb+H)
LCAO model data from Yakovleva et al. (2018). Note, the fluctuations provided here only use the LCAO and SEMI-EMP models.
- Data for C + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-C+H)
- Data for N + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-N+H)
Published in Amarsi & Barklem (2019).
- Data for Mn + H inelastic collisions (directory: inelastic-Mn+H)
- Data for Ti + H inelastic collisions
(directory: inelastic-Ti+H)
Published in Grumer & Barklem (2020).
(directory: partition-functions_and_equilibrium-constants)
- Partition functions and equilibrium constants for diatomic molecules and atoms of astrophysical interest calculated and published in Barklem & Collet (2016)
Small correction to some data November 2022 - see ReadMe and ReadMe_Bug_fix_Oct-Nov2022.
- S4N Database
High resolution observed optical spectra for 118 nearby stars from the Spectroscopic Survey of Stars in the Solar Neighbourhood project, Allende Prieto et al (2004)
(directory: hydrogen-line-grids)
- F,G, and K dwarfs,
Teff: 4400 to 7500 K, logg: 3.4 to 5.0, [Fe/H]: -3.0 to +0.5, microturbulence: 1.5 km/s - F,G, and K dwarfs, with alpha-enhancement
Teff: 4400 to 7500 K, logg: 3.4 to 5.0, [Fe/H]: -3.0 to +0.5, microturbulence: 1.5 km/s (with alpha enhancement of +0.4 dex) - G and K giants,
Teff: 4400 to 6000 K, logg: 1.0 to 3.4, [Fe/H]: -3.0 to +0.5, microturbulence: 1.5 km/s - Metal-poor giants, with alpha-enhancement
Teff: 4500 to 5500 K, logg: 1.0 to 3.0, [Fe/H]: -3.0 to -2.0, microturbulence: 1.5 km/s (with alpha enhancement of +0.4 dex)
A short IDL routine to read the profiles,, is also provided. The profiles are labelled with files names of the form:
alf is H alpha
synth is the line formation code used
6100 is Teff
4.65 is logg
-0.25 is metallicity
1.5 is the microturbulence in the model atmosphere calculation.
These are hydrogen line profiles calculated as described in Barklem et al (2002) (i.e. 1D, LTE, 1997 epoch MARCS, Stehle + BPO) using self-broadening theory developed in Barklem et al (2000). MLT parameters alpha = 0.5 and y = 0.5 are used in all these model calculations. Note the line formation calculation includes no micro- or macroturbulence, but this has no effect on the wings. The line cores are not expected to form in the photosphere or in anything close to LTE, and thus are not reliable and should not be used for any interpretation of observations.
The codes used for these line formation calculations are available here.
(directory: HERES)
These are the data obtained in the HERES survey Barklem et al (2005). Table 1 is the stellar sample (coordinates and radial velocities) and Table 2 the derived stellar properties (parameters, chemical abundances).
I have also derived upper limits for the sample in two ways. I provide both cases in case they are useful, but would recommend using the second file.
- HERESII_abunds_upp.txt gives the abundance at which the most important line in the spectrum may be detected at 3 sigma significance level, and thus is an upper limit if the element is undetected in the HERES II paper. Only one case has no data (HE1256-0228 for Y) in the table (it has a NaN in fact). This is because the Y line I use for the upper limit is near the blue cutoff for the spectra, and in this particular case there are no observations at this wavelength (probably due to a large radial velocity of the star). But this is not an issue anyway as Y is detected in this star in any case.
- However, there is a minor complication. In the automated method, sometimes lines are cut if they lie close to a Balmer line or are suspected of being affected by some type of artefact (like a cosmic ray hit). Thus, there is a chance that the line used to get the upper limit was not in fact used in the spectrum analysis. The value in the first file is likely to be underestimated in such a case. Anyway, I provide HERESII_abunds_upp_wcut.txt, where cases where the line was cut from the analysis are not included (they have NaN as the result). Note, this is naturally only an issue if there is no detection; so for example it happens a lot for Co (due to the line being in a Balmer line wing) but Co is almost always detected anyway.