This buildpack allows you to set multiple ssh keys per repository.
It is useful e.g. for GitHub deploy keys, which have to be unique per repository.
You have to set a comment for each private key with a repository name - repo_owner/repo_name.git
You can change an existing key comment with this command:
ssh-keygen -c -C "repo_owner/repo_name.git" -f /path/to/private/key
Put your private keys as Heroku environment variables with variable name in the following format:
where #
is index of a given key (e.g. 0, 1, 2...):
heroku config:set GITHUB_DEPLOY_KEY_0="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...."
heroku config:set GITHUB_DEPLOY_KEY_1="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...."
Then add the buildpack to your Heroku app. It should be set as the first (default) one:
heroku buildpacks:add -i 1