A basic display file and RPGLE program built over the Anilist GraphQL API (Just for fun/practice). Enter an Anilist username and display basic account stats. This is not meant to be a full API wrapper or handle all errors.
I wanted to make some dedicated UDF's and clean up my code, but its good enough for such a simple application.
This is my first IBM i side project using GNU Make, git, and VS Code. I still used SDA for display files because its a lot less tedious.
- Ensure that CCSID is 37 -
chgjob ccsid(37)
call Anilist
- Build -
gmake all
- Clean -
gmake clean
- Pull to IFS -
gmake pull
(still using SDA for DSPFs) - Push to Library -
gmake push
- Log -
gmake > buildlog.txt 2>&1
- Git push -
git -c http.sslVerify=false push origin master
- SSH terminal session for running git and gmake commands
- SSH FS VS Code Extension https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Kelvin.vscode-sshfs
- Do not use CRLF line endings, use LF (lower right)
-- Set user's default PASE Shell using DB2 for i
CALL QSYS2.SET_PASE_SHELL_INFO('*CURRENT', '/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/bash');
# Install git through yum (/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin/)
yum install git.ppc64
yum install make-gnu.ppc64
# config git user
git config --global user.email "First.Last@somewhere.com"
git config --global user.name "First Last"
# Add yum packages install directory to PATH
touch ~/.profile
echo PATH=$PATH:/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin >> ~/.profile
- RPG & DB2 Summit 2019 - Liam's session on git + IBMi
- https://github.com/NielsLiisberg/RPG-vsCode-Getting-Started
- Fix DSPF open in linear main https://www.rpgpgm.com/2018/09/closing-all-files-with-one-operation-in.html
- https://www.scottklement.com/presentations/Options%20for%20Consuming%20REST%20APIs%20from%20RPG.pdf