Another minimal and unsafe json parser.
I managed to get general JSON parsing working and ensured I had no memory leaks/issues via valgrind. For a toy JSON parser this is good enough for me.
This is unsafe because I'm missing error handling/reporting.
// trivial example
#include "thule.h"
int main() {
const char* src = "{\"username\": \"barrettotte\"}";
json_value* root = json_parse(src);
json_object* obj = root->v_object;
printf("username => %s\n", obj->val->v_string);
// username => barrettotte
return 0;
// slightly more complex example
#include "thule.h"
int main() {
const char* src = "{\"profile\":{\"username\":\"barrettotte\"},\"projects\":[{\"name\":\"thule-json\",\"languages\":[\"C\",\"Makefile\"]},{\"name\":\"qr-asm\",\"languages\":[\"Assembly\"]}]}";
json_value* root = json_parse(src);
json_object* projects = root->v_object->next; // projects[]
json_object* thule = projects->val->v_array->items[0]->v_object->next; // projects[0]
printf("projects[0].languages[0] => %s\n", thule->val->v_array->items[0]->v_string);
// projects[0].languages[0] => C
return 0;
- normal -
- with memory leak check -
make valgrind