A "starter kit" with budō, SASS, and Gulp. The aim is rapid iteration and a tight feedback loop. Could be augmented with VueJS, React, or any frameworks that work in browserify.
Some highlights:
- npm dependencies with browserify
- SASS for CSS pre-processing
- Babel for ES2015 transpiling
- All the goodies of budo:
- Fast incremental bundling with watchify
- Pretty-printed HTTP logging
- Syntax errors reported in the browser
- LiveReload browser refresh on
update - LiveReload CSS injection on *.scss changes
Note that budō is not tied to Gulp, and in some cases it may be easier to use it's command-line version.
git clone https://github.com/mattdesl/budo-gulp-starter.git
cd budo-gulp-starter
# install dependencies
npm install
# start development server & open browser
npm run open
# or, just start dev server
npm start
This should run the watch server and open localhost:9966
in your default browser. Changes to src/index.js
will trigger a incremental bundle and page reload. Changes to src/sass/main.scss
will cause CSS injection without losing application state.
Syntax errors are overlayed in the browser with a custom style:
npm run
start - start dev server
open - start dev server and open the browser to localhost
build - the compressed production build
MIT, see LICENSE.md for details.