Generic gen_bittorrent
behaviour implemented on top of OTP gen_statem
The purpose of this behaviour is to download a torrent file piece.
It can be used as a transfer protocol for any software.
Supports all standard (BEP003) and extended (BEP0010) messages.
Library also includes:
- helper functions for encoding and numbers converting.gen_bittorrent_message.erl
- helper functions for forming BitTorrent messages.gen_bittorrent_packet.erl
- helper functions for parsing BitTorrent messages.gen_bittorrent_bencoding.erl
- Bencode parser.
Behaviour implementation example: examples/gen_bittorrent_impl.erl
More complex usage example can be found:
Starting with/without link and without/without name:
gen_bittorrent:start_link(CbMod :: module(), PeerIp :: inet:ip_address(), PeerPort :: inet:port_number(), PeerId :: string(), TorrentHash :: binary(), PieceId :: non_neg_integer(), PieceSize :: non_neg_integer(), Args :: [term()], Opts :: [term()]).
gen_bittorrent:start_link(Name :: term(), CbMod :: module(), PeerIp :: inet:ip_address(), PeerPort :: inet:port_number(), PeerId :: string(), TorrentHash :: binary(), PieceId :: non_neg_integer(), PieceSize :: non_neg_integer(), Args :: [term()], Opts :: [term()]).
gen_bittorrent:start(CbMod :: module(), PeerIp :: inet:ip_address(), PeerPort :: inet:port_number(), PeerId :: string(), TorrentHash :: binary(), PieceId :: non_neg_integer(), PieceSize :: non_neg_integer(), Args :: [term()], Opts :: [term()]).
gen_bittorrent:start(Name :: term(), CbMod :: module(), PeerIp :: inet:ip_address(), PeerPort :: inet:port_number(), PeerId :: string(), TorrentHash :: binary(), PieceId :: non_neg_integer(), PieceSize :: non_neg_integer(), Args :: [term()], Opts :: [term()]).
Switch piece to the new one:
gen_bittorrent:switch_piece(Name :: term(), PieceId :: non_neg_integer(), PieceSize :: non_neg_integer()).
Send synchronous message:
gen_bittorrent:call(Name :: term(), Request :: term()).
gen_bittorrent:call(Name :: term(), Request :: term(), Timeout :: pos_integer()).
Stop the process:
gen_bittorrent:stop(Name :: term()).
gen_bittorrent:stop(Name :: term(), Reason :: term(), Timeout :: pos_integer()).
EUnit and CT tests
$ make tests