A improved tetris clone written in Python3.8 and Pygame
When start, you can set the falling speed of tetrominos, and...
Unlike the old version, this one has an additional option - malice level.
Game has implemented minmax alghoritm - every time your tetromino falled, game calculates the most optimal (or not!) block. When malice level set to 9 - don't expect L tetromino too often ;)
To play this game, clone this repo, change directory and run ./Game.py
You can control falling tetromino as in the classic NES version:
Arrow | Action |
↑ | rotates tetromino clockwise |
↓ | speeds up falling down |
→ | moves left |
← | moves right |
This game is fully customizable. The constans used to set window size and colors within game are located in config.py
When you change, in example, SCREEN_WIDTH
everything should work correct.
This tetris clone is written as a semester project of symbolic programming. The main purpose of this project is to improve my coding skills and try make something on my own.