is a theme switcher tool to change your window manager setup, written in BASH. Shift
can change winow manager theme
, terminal colorscheme , and panel in single line command with available arguments.Shift
automated to detect what window manager log in session you entered and check panel that are running in the background. shift
currently support
some window manager : Openbox
, windowchef
, and Xfce4
What you might need :
for panel options.wmctrl
to get log in session of window manager.feh
to set Wallpaper.xfconf
to set GTK 3 themes and icons.
$ git clone
$ cd Shift
$ sudo make install
Example config of window manager include in this repo.
Openbox autostart configuration file must include :
For polybar.
polybar top/bottom -c ~/.config/polybar/panel &
For lemonbar.
. ~/.config/lemonbar/panel &
For tint2.
* tint2 -c ~/.config/tint2/[preset].tint2rc &
Windowchef configuration file must be placed under :
And include this line :
... export THEME="preset" ...
Polybar configuration file must be under
Lemonbar configuration file must be under
Tint2 configuration file must be under
Xresources should be under
And include this line:
# include ".colors/[preset-name]"
Change setup include (terminal,wm gtk2/3 themes) in single line command.
$ Shift --setup [preset-name]
Change setup include (terminal,wm themes) with different panel.
$ Shift --setup [preset-name] --polybar|--lemonbar|--tint2 [panel-name]
Change gtk 3 themes and icons when you login in Xfce4
$ Shift --setup [themes-name] --icons [icons-name]
Backup all desktop configuration includes another wm that supported.
$ Shift --backup-all [dir-name]
Or, just backup the current window manager log in and the running panel in background.
$ Shift --backup [dir-name]
Installing another dotfiles into your system.
$ Shift --deploy [github-url]
Set a desktop wallpaper using third-party feh
, nitrogen
$ Shift --wall fill|tile 'path/to/your/image'
Available options:
Usage : Shift [--options] preset [--options] preset
Example : Shift --setup arc --tint2 light
Options :
--backup-all Backup all configuration into dotfiles.
--backup Backup your desktop config into tarball.
--deploy Clone and install the dotfiles into your system.
--icons Change GTK2 / GTK 3 icons.
--setup Change setup of window manager.
--wall Set wallpaper to desktop.
-v,--version Show version.
-h,--help Show this help.
If you want to add another window manager to this tools, just create an issues.
- Thanks to Allah.
- Archlinux as my favorite distro, check this (
- Dracos Linux from Indonesia, you can see in (
- Linuxer Desktop Art - group for sharing Linux/BSD desktop customization (
- BASH.ID - Group for discussing scripting for any other shell in the GNU/Linux (
- Eye Candy Linux and r/unixporn for sharing resources about customization.
- Edo -maland-, Nanda Vera, Fikri Omar, and Addy.
- unix121 (
- nizarmah (
- And other users have shared their dotfiles.
The code is available under the MIT license.