The anti-social network
Bassel Al-Sayed, Ben Auld, Ilias Grigoropoulos, Vish Mayer,
= text_field_tag('search', params[:search], options = {:type => 'search'}
To set up a migration:
rails generate migration [NameOfMigrationInCamelCase]
rails db:reset
rails db:migrate
- add validations as necessary to the models
- for example:
validates :email, presence: true, uniqueness: true, format: EMAIL_REGEX
- for example:
Create a migration for a second foreign key referencing the same table (for wall post functionality)
- This creates the column:
add_reference :posts, :recipient, index: true, null: false
This adds the foriegn key:add_foreign_key :posts, :users, column: :recipient_id
- Column
only acceptswall
validates :type, inclusion: { in: %w(wall public) }
- set up online account
- install CLI interace via homebrew using
brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku
- log into heroku on command line using
heroku login
- cd into project directory and initialise using
heroku create
- set up continuous deployment (if CI passes) via heroku pipeline/settings page online
- set up online accounts with heroku and travis
- install CLI interface by adding
gem 'travis'
to your gemfile - connect travis with heroku by running
travis setup heroku --org -r <repo_slug>
- in our case:
travis setup heroku --org -r basselalsayed/acebook-derailed
- set up continuous deployment (if CI passes) via heroku pipeline/settings page online
travis encrypt $(heroku auth:token) --add deploy.api_key
- Since we renamed our repo mid project, I had to access the .git/config file and edit:
[travis] slug = basselalsayed/acebook-derailed
- Use
to exclude certain folders from rubocop - Install gem
for specific rspec linting
- Register for an online account by signing in with github
- Check whether travis was initialised at or
- Update the Travis.yml file to install and include code climate, and to push the results to code climate upon completion
rails g controller [name] [route]
rails g controller post index create show destroy
rails g controller [name] [attribute:type]
rails g model post message:text
rails g scaffold [name] [model attribute:type]
rails g scaffold post message:text
- In the future, devise gem can be used to set up authentication quickly
- In our project, a sessions controller was manually generated using the above methods, it uses a session variable (cookie) to redirect to the relevant page dependent on whether a user is logged in or not
First, clone this repository. Then:
> bundle install
> bin/rails db:create
> bin/rails db:migrate
> bundle exec rspec # Run the tests to ensure it works
> bin/rails server # Start the server at localhost:3000