Graphql-Yoga-Prisma is a combination of various modules combined to create an extendible and powerful graphql server that works in any nodejs environment.
- Integration with Prisma and support for its databases (Sqlite, MySQL, SQL Server, Planetscale, Couchdb, Postgresql, and Mongodb) and also Supabase.
- Integration with Typegraphql for type declaration and to generate CRUD functionality, resolvers, and a schema.
- Includes SOFA Api to automatically generate Rest APIs
- Includes Fastify for extra extendibility and to power the nodejs server.
- Integration with Envelop and its ecosystem of plugins such as Sentry for its error reporting.
- Supports Typescript out of the box
- Integrates with AWS-Lambda to support deploying to a serverless environment
- Supports Cors with the cors module
- Supports logging with Fastify included integration
- Includes File Upload Support
To find out about the different included functionality visit their individual documentations.
Prisma =
Typegraphql =
Fastify =
Envelop =
Sofa API =
- git clone
- cd graphql-yoga-prisma
- npm install
- npx prisma db push
- npx prisma generate
- npm run serve
change the .sample.env file to .env
update the DATABASE_URL section with your database url
update prisma/schema.prisma file to the database provider
update prisma/schema.prisma datasource url to url = env("DATABASE_URL"). More information about this here:
npx prisma db push
npx prisma generate
npm run serve