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How to Upgrade Keybox Between Minor Versions

Thomas edited this page Nov 11, 2016 · 1 revision

Upgrading Keybox between versions requires a lot of care. Here are the steps to have a successful upgrade:


Use pkill etc. to happily murder the ssh keybox process first!

  • If you have ZFS snapshot the filesystem! Saved my butt and ensured that I didn't lose the orignal. Otherwise create a tar backup of your entire keybox directory

tar cfz keybox.tar keyboxdirectory/

This ensures that you have created a backup of your precious configuration. Make sure you do this a directory ABOVE your root installation of keybox or you will miss things.

Once the backup is complete, be sure to refer to the github upgrade directions:

Upgrade Link

How to ensure you won't lose your data

The base root of the backups is:


There are several critical files that need to be backed up in order to preserve your installation:

  • - Main config file for keybox
  • keybox.jckes Java keystore file unlocks the database
  • the following occur under the keydb as well:
    • Keybox public key for systems
    • Keybox database newer version post H2 format
    • keybox.h2.db older version 1 internal database may not be present on new installs

Remove the old Insallation and unpack new installation

Once these have been backed up, remove the Keybox-Jetty root directory and everything under it.

cd /your/directory/containing (one level above Keybox-jetty)
rm -fr Keybox-jetty
wget<Jetty version>/jetty.tar.gz
tar -xf jetty.tar.gz

Restore old configuration data to new install

cd /your/root/to/Keybox-jetty/jetty/keybox/WEB-INF/classes
cp /your/root/backup/containing/ .
cp /your/root/backup/containing/keybox.jckes .
cd keydb
cp /your/root/backup/containing/ .
cp /your/root/backup/containing/ .

Start the server and cross your fingers

To start the server perform the commands below:

cd /your/root/where/you/installed/keybox/Keybox-jetty

Hopefully you don't get errors. If you have ZFS do a zfs snapshot rollback and start over!