This repository holds the excercises I did during my starting modules in Software University bootcamp Problems, solutions during SoftUni program for Web-Developer path. Includes Basics, Fundamentals, Advanced and Applications modules.
- variables
- if statemets
- switch case
- Conditional (ternary) operator
- for/while loops
- for of/in, objects
- classes
- inheritance
- fetching
- then
- async/await
- closure
- IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
- arrow functions
- Regex
- unit testing
Mocha, Chai
- end-to-end testing
DOM manipulations
- fetching
- then
- async/await
- browser debugging
SPA applications
- Routing (page.js)
- Modules
- Middlewares
- Authentication
- Local storage/Session storage
- Chrome dev tools