Bombino - supercharged Adobe generator for Vue-CLI and Quasar-CLI with dynamic template support:
# In any valid CEP folder
npx bombino
# Input name of panel, select app, and choose one of the brutalism templates below
cd [name of panel]
npm run serve
# Open host app and find in Windows > Extensions > [name of panel]
Bombino includes various commands and utilities for ease of development -- you can go from creating a new panel to signing it as a ZXP in less than a minute.
npm install brutalism
NOTE: Components rely on the starlette utility for themes and color. If not using a template, you must use the Panel component or install starlette and run
on panel launch.
// Import the desired components
import { Panel, Menus } from "brutalism";
// Assign them as global components to the Vue instance
Vue.use("Panel", Panel);
Vue.use("Menus", Menus);
// Be sure to do so before instantiating Vue:
new Vue({
render: (h) => h(App),
// Import as many or few components as you need
import { Panel, Menus } from "brutalism";
export default {
components: {
Quickstart templates with bombino to get you up and running in less than a minute: