Steganography is the art of hiding information within other data, like concealing text within images. Our C library enables seamless steganographic operations for secure data embedding and extraction.
The library offers steganography using a straightforward algorithm.
Supports only BMP file format.
BMP library:
- gcc, clang, or another C compiler
- Make
- lm (lib math)
#include "../include/encrypt.h"
#include "../include/define.h"
st_encrypt *st = st_encrypt_create();
if (st_encrypt_set_input(st, "./assets/input.bmp") != ST_NO_ERROR)
printf("Input file doesn't exists\n");
st_encrypt_set_output(st, "./assets/output.bmp");
if (st_encrypt_set_message(st, "This is a secret message!") != ST_NO_ERROR)
printf("Message must be ASCII\n");
__u_short error = st_encrypt_save(st);
if (error != ST_NO_ERROR)
printf("Error: %d\n", error);
printf("File saved\n");
#include "../include/decrypt.h"
#include "../include/define.h"
st_decrypt *st = st_decrypt_create();
st_decrypt_set_input(st, "./assets/output.bmp");
char *message = st_decrypt_get_message(st);
printf("The secret message: %s\n", message);
- Clone the steganography repository:
$ git clone
- Change into the steganography directory:
$ cd steganography
- Build the steganography library:
$ make
$ ./bin/steganography encode ./assets/input.bmp ./assets/output.bmp "the secret message"
$ ./bin/steganography decode ./assets/output.bmp
If you'd like to contribute to the development of this algorithm, your contributions are welcome.
The library is licensed under the GPL3. See LICENSE for more information.