The fingerprint-ios-sdk is a library for iOS that determines the device's fingerprint and store it in our backend.
This project was developed with Swift 5.6.
You have to add the dependency reference in your iOS project.
// Package.swift
let package = Package(
// ...
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "X.X:X")
// ...
# Podfile
pod 'Fingerprint', '~> X.X.X'
import Fingerprint
// Creates Fingerprint client
let fingerprintService = FingerprintService("<your-api-key>")
do {
let token = try await fingerprintService.analyze()
} catch {
// process error
# Login into cocoapods
pod trunk register 'your name' --description='description of this session'
Previous to generate the pod, you have to create the version in the repository defined in your Podspec file:
# Create the git tag version
git tag -a X.X.X -m "description of the version"
# Push to repository
git push --tags
# Verify the podspec file
pod spec lint Fingerprint.podspec
# Upload the pod to cocoapods
pod trunk push