A collection of orbit conversion routines. For now, the following parametrizations are supported:
- Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z,x_dot,y_dot,z_dot)
- Keplerian elements (a,e,i,Omega,omega,M0) where M0 is the mean anomaly at epoch
- Armadillo
- CMake
- RigidBodyKinematics
OrbitConversions can be retrieved from Homebrew:
brew tap bbercovici/self
brew update
brew install orbit-conversions
git clone https://github.com/bbercovici/OrbitConversions.git
cd OrbitConversions/build
cmake ..
make install
git pull
cd build
cmake ..
make install
Remember that the classical Keplerian elements are singular at zero eccentricity and inclination!
// Cartesian state (x,y,z,x_dot,y_dot,z_dot)
arma::vec cart_state_vec = {5.4970e+03 , 3.5750e+03 ,6.2943e+02, -4.2249e+00, 5.6701e+00, 3.7519e+00};
// Standard gravitational parameter of the earth (kg^3/s^2)
double mu = 398600 ;
OC::CartState cart(cart_state_vec,mu);
double dt = 300; // what is the keplerian state given this cartesian state 300 seconds after the epoch?
OC::KepState kep = cart.convert_to_kep(dt);
std::cout << kep.get_state().t() << std::endl;
// kep.get_state() returns (7.0001e+03 6.0007e-02 5.0000e-01 4.0000e-01 4.0011e-01 5.7831e+00)
// Keplerian (elements sma, eccentricity, inclination, right-ascension of ascending node, longitude of perigee, mean anomaly at epoch)
arma::vec kep_state_vec = {7000,0.06,0.5,0.4,0.4,-0.5};
// Standard gravitational parameter of the earth (kg^3/s^2)
double mu = 398600 ;
OC::KepState kep(kep_state_vec,mu);
double dt = 300; // what is the cartesian state 300 seconds after the epoch?
OC::CartState cart = kep.convert_to_cart(dt);
std::cout << cart.get_state().t() << std::endl;
// cart.get_state() returns (5.4970e+03 3.5750e+03 6.2943e+02 -4.2249e+00 5.6701e+00 3.7519e+00)