I'm a Data Scientist who transitioned from a career as a Chef in Lima, Peru, to pursue my passion for leveraging data to solve complex problems.
With a certificate in Data Science & Data Analytics from UC Santa Cruz, I've cultivated a strong foundation for my journey into the world of Data Science.
I thrive on tackling challenges, learning new technologies, and collaborating with diverse teams to craft innovative solutions.
- 🌱 Currently learning: I'm delving deeper into Python, with a specific emphasis on Machine Learning and Deep Learning methods, while also sharpening my proficiency in SQL.
- 🔭 Working on: I'm currently immersed in various projects, spanning from Sentiment Analysis and Recommendation Systems to Time Series Analysis, as I delve into the multifaceted applications of Data Science.
- 🌍 Languages: I am fluent in both Spanish and English, and I also have some basic knowledge in German, French, and Italian.
- 📫 How to reach me: bbiaggi88@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: When I'm not diving into data or experimenting in the kitchen, you can often find me lost in the pages of fantasy books.