A light and a dark three colour (excluding background and foreground) theme for geany based on percieved brightness and trial and error. I made this theme because most that I found were either too high contrast or too muted, too much colour or too little. I also fell in love with de-emphasised symbols (+, ->, ==, (), etc), as it is in gruvbox. Thus I decided to make my own.
I don't use all of the features available in geany, nor do I write in every programming/markdown language. If something seems like a mistake or an oversight, please tell me.
Download the contrarst_dark.conf
and/or the contrarst_light.conf
and place them in your geany colorscheme directory.
- Thanks to uloco for their syntax-highlighting-samples.
- Font used in screenshots is IBM Plex Mono by IBM.
- Screenshots taken using the
tool and composed together using GIMP.