- 우선 Library 폴더를 깃에서 가져옴.
- SchematicLabraries는 shcematic에 대한 library를 의미함.
- KiCAD의 Library 폴더 위치를 설정함.
- 설계 시작
- Source
- Motor_MotherBoardPCB
- Libraries
- BC_customs: My personal libraries
- Connector_Molex.pretty
- Connectors_JST.pretty-master
- digikey-kicad-library-master
- SchematicsLabraries
- MC5004P
- Others
- Mother_MotherBoardPCB
How to manage libraries All custom libraries are included in Libraries folder at the top. The
- Footprint of the resisotor and capacitor should be assigned aforetime because assigning those are comfusing when lots of reisistor and capacitors are used.
- Reference: https://wikidocs.net/103412